Sunday, June 21, 2020

WyoCC Fatherhood Retreat 2020

 "To be a good father you need to be a good son"

Meet the boys:  William Heili, Lee Noel, Daniel Weyrich, Anthony Richter, Nathan Weyrich, me, and Seth Hostetler

Jason and Boni Kuhbacher are the Wyoming Catholic Cowboys who hosted our retreat.  They live their Catholic faith.  This ranch is a new endeavor for them.  After years of planning and saving they were able to move to their new ranch just across the Montana line.  They'll always be Wyomingites at heart though.  Their friendship is near and dear to me.  May God continue to bless them and their family, especially with rain.

Lee showing Chief what's up

    First things first: firewood 

     Western Horseman 

     Vesting for Mass early Saturday morning 

6am Mass for the WyoCC branding crew on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  I love Mary.

Rounding up

    The Weyrich Brothers showing us how it's done

     This ain't my first rodeo

     This is my first rodeo, but I'm a quick learner

     They even let the priest rope

Jim Wilson, Boni's dad, get's the all-around cowboy award

William and Anthony getting down and dirty

Just another day at the office for Travis Kuhbacher

Daniel making small talk in the wrestling line.  Just happens to be with a pretty girl.

William giving me some advice on how to throw a calf

Thanks man

These two young sons get the Top Hand award

Mom and daughter Terese enjoying ranch life

Grandpa Jack keeping everyone in line.  Management is tough work.

Just Ranchin

Special thanks to Boni and Jason for hosting our retreat.  Cowboy life keeps you in touch with reality.  The truest reality we have as Christians is that we are God's beloved sons and daughters.  If you got that straight, the sky's the limit.  On to the next one...


Old School

My brother Luke picked up this 1975 beauty off the auction block. There's something about stock racks that take a guy back to the good o...