Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Patty Wagon

In honor of St. Patrick we celebrated Mass in Moorcroft. On the way there I stopped by Carl's Trailer Sales in Belle Fourche. Ernie had sold my old trailer so I was in the market. As providence would have it, we found just what we were looking for.  

My buddy Ryan Huxtable turned me on to Carl's and Mike got us fixed up.

06 20' Circle D. She's been used but not abused. 

After Mass we consecrated her to the Lord and to St. Patrick. 

Think we'll call her Patty. 

Pretty clean one owner I'd say. 

Now don't worry, we're not hanging up the stock racks. But with two horses and cows to put on grass we need a stock trailer. Patty's our girl. May she be an effective tool in the New Evangelization of America. 


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