Friday, April 23, 2021

Spiritual Day

Once a month us priests get to take a day set aside for prayer. A day to reconnect with the Father. The fourth Thursday of the month is my day. So, like Jesus, off to the Hills we went.

The Bear Lodge Mountains have to be some of the friendliest mountains in all of Wyoming.

We heading back into the Belle Fourche to John and Sue Raney's place where we plan to run a few cows this summer. 

Mollie's been doing good. Not ready to ride but to pony for sure. So we let Chief teach her the ropes.

Along our trek we found this wall with ancient hieroglyphics dating back to 1975. You have to look close in the shadows. 

Beer is poof that God wants us to be happy. - Ben Franklin

That'd be a heck of a way to go out. Looks like Absalom. 

John and Sue always do things right. So at the end of the day we had a crawfish boil with fresh mud bugs straight form Louisiana. 

John knows how to stir the pot. Thanks partner.

Our rector at seminary used to say, give as a gift what you have received as a gift. John and Sue do that well. The Lord has blessed them and they in turn use it to bless others. What a gift it was for me to ride their ranch and reconnect with God as my Father and me as His son. It's only from that disposition that I can then be a father as well. It's gonna be a good summer. Our cows will enjoy this Black Hills grass. And me and the boys will enjoy riding herd on them. On to the next one...

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New Plates

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