Tuesday, July 6, 2021


To get a jump on the 4th of July weekend I ran back home to check on the fam. All is well as far as I can tell. There was no use burning daylight though. So in typical Lungren fashion we hit the ground running. 

Nothing spells freedom quite like a Wyoming sunrise.

I guess John Deere might be a close runner up.

We had to run up the Nowood because Dad lost his glove the last time he was there. Thanks St. Anthony. 

While there we brought home this cute JD 350 that Dad acquired.

Mom had an all American meal waiting for us when we got home.

Dad turns 70 next week so we made him a photo book to commemorate the day.

You ain't no cowboy unless you have a ranch kitty. 

To top off our weekend we ran up to the cabin on West 10 Cr. 

Man down.

Lungren Brothers beef. It's whats for dinner.

...God bless the USA. Somewhere out there America is still alive and kicking. Nowhere is that more apparent than in Wyoming.


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