Friday, October 22, 2021

Tom Sawyer

Sometimes I think the Lord orchestrates natural disasters just so Dad and I can have fun. Like this dead tree that fell across West Tensleep Creek up at the cabin. What better way to spend the feast of Pope St. John Paul II than in the mountains playing in the water.

She fell within the past few weeks. Nature can take care of herself, but we thought we better get it out of there before the spring runoff turned the cabin into an island.

She would have looked just like this ole girl. About a 100 footer. 

So we chained up White Horse and strung out as much chain and cable as we could.

The first 1/3 was already broke and came right out.

But the last section had to be cut in half and took a little more encouragement.

No match for these mountain sawyers though.

There's two ways of looking at life, through your good eye or your bad eye. I choose the former. Nothing can happen outside of God's will. That doesn't mean everything is easy. But any disaster can become good if we turn to Him in faith and trust. Experience has taught me that every obstacle is an opportunity. An opportunity for God to bring good out of evil and even make life fun. 

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