Saturday, January 29, 2022

Ranchin Steady

We usually ranch pretty hard on Fridays and yesterday was no exception. The only problem is that we worked ourselves out of a job.

The mission was simple, round up the herd on the south 40, peal off Ricky, and bring him home.

But if you're gonna ranch all day, you need to start off with a ranch breakfast from Lula Belle's.

Mollie and Chief were ready to work.

No need to show off my bronc skills, I'll just warm Mollie up instead. 

Just point Chief in the right direction and hang on partner. 

There they be. Six heifers and Ricky. It was nothing short of cowboy getting this wild bunch in the corral. Just remember buddy, when working cattle with Fr. Bryce, take nothing that is said personal. 

God bless him. Ricky was given to us by a family up north. He was a dwarf and a little ornery. We took good care of him over the past 5 months, but his time had come. Gerry put a nice shot on him.

He'll make some nice little steaks. Well done ol' son. 

Beneath these western skies.

By the time we cut up some jerky meat and ate some cow heart, the day was shot and we were too. Ain't nothing better than being spent from a hard day's work. Especially when it involves feeding America. The only problem is that we shot our last cow. Guess it's time to get some more. On to the next one. 


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New Plates

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