Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Cold Snap

Spring in Wyoming has a way of taking its sweet time. Cold fronts will probably come and go in the midst of warmer temps clear through March and even into April. I don't mind the cold, as long as you're geared up for it. But bring on spring!

-17 is not uncommon this time of year. What's brutal though, is when the wind complements it.

Keeping water thawed is probably the toughest challenge in winter ranch world. There is something inherently contradictory about open water in winter. Whenever I see water standing still waiting to be drank in subzero weather I marvel and thank God.

I actually like the challenge of winter. It can play the biggest head game with you if you let it though. Especially if it gets ahead of you. I've had this waterer freeze up twice. What I discovered was that the heat under the trough was good but down the hole that the water line came up was vulnerable to the cold. So we just placed a 75watt light bulb down the casing and haven't had a problem since. 

Oats make for happy horses.

It doesn't matter how mild or harsh winter has been, come the end of February, everybody is ready for spring. Like Grandma always says, this too shall pass.

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