Friday, May 6, 2022

Cattle Drive

2022 Cattle Company day finally came. And the only way to get the girls to their summer home was a cattle drive. For big occasions such as this one should not attempt to ranch alone. So my trusty sidekick Kurt gladly lent a hand.

There's few men I'd could even think to call other than Kurt Mentele. He's always willing to help and keeps a light heart. My kind of guy.

I think overall the girls were excited to get new brands and head to the Hills. 

Kurt did most of the branding.

Though I did get to brand my Herefords. 

On them we used Dad's Reverse L Drawknife. Sure turned out nice.

Now that's a good looking herd. Eleven total this year. 

Then we jumped eight into the trailer and headed for the Raney Ranch in the Black Hills. 

I had the horses stashed in John's corrals on a previous trip. The girls lined out real nice as we trailed them to the north pasture. 

I'd like to say it was a boring drive, but they did have to break right and test our cowboy skills. We won. 

A cool down was definitely in order. 

For the horses and for us. 

If you want to peak my interest, just mention a cattle drive. Music to my ears. I love ranchin, and I'm so thankful John and Sue Raney let us run on their place. The cows love their grass and we love their company. Thanks crew for a good day and a successful drive. We're on to the next one...

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