Friday, May 27, 2022

Road Trip

Dave and I had been getting a bit stir crazy with all this nice spring weather, so we decided to hit the road. Because of last year's drought, Doug Carr had the bulk of his cow herd in Atkinson NE and they were in need of branding. So we waited till school got out and grabbed Paul and headed east.

The scenery was beautiful everywhere we turned. I handled the wheel. At one point Dave was worried that we were gonna run out of gas. I told him Paul could walk if need be. 

We drove through Winner SD, which is my buddy Chad's old stomping grounds. The boys sure like to farm around these parts. 

After we met the rest of the crew for a short night's rest in Atkinson, we headed out to the ranch bright and early. The first order of business was to pour the cows. 

Then came the branding. Doug got onto a guy who custom brands for people. He brought out two portable hydraulic tables with a tub to mill the calves around. The greatest asset he brought, though, were the 4 high school boys. They kept the chutes full.

Paul chose the cush job of running the table. Not sure he got any cow manure on him the whole day. 

Dave was entrusted with giving shots.

While I was stuck holding the back legs, watching Doug castrate and drinking smoke all day. 

Mike got the top hand award. If we weren't there to slow him down, he'd have a calf turned, branded, and out the gate in 30 seconds. 

Without the boys, though, we'd still be there. 

Eventually Paul did get dirty as he gave us all a lesson in wrestling the ornery ones. 

Next stop was Kimball NE. After driving through the Sandhills and crashing in North Plate for the night, Dave and I continued on to visit my aunt and uncle. This was the highlight of Dave's trip. Being a wood turner himself, he thoroughly enjoyed seeing Uncle George's shop and picking his brain. 

Uncle George does some amazing and super creative work.

My highlight was seeing Aunt Jan. It's like visiting with my Grandma once again. 

To top off the trip we attended my buddy Seth Hostetler's priestly ordination in Cheyenne. To commemorate the occasion I got me a new straw hat. Well done ol' son, I'm proud of you.

1000 miles later and we're back home. It's good to see the country side and breath the fresh air. Changes your perspective on life. People are down on the world, and I get it. But choose to look at life through your good eye. It's a lot greener. 

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