Saturday, September 10, 2022

Red Cow Roundup

After a nice fall rain, the weather was perfect to move cows on the Cozner place. Ryan and Anna Huxtable asked if I'd come down and lend a hand. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to see new ground, I gladly excepted the offer. 

Their 50 head of Red Angus were grazing south east of Wright about 12 miles. It was time to gather and trail them to a neighboring pasture 5 or so miles away. 

Cool country. The cactus was added incentive to stay in the saddle. 

Anna was putting one of the first real rides on her colt Bella. They both did pretty darn well. 

I also had a nice change of pace riding Chief. He did great even with the ole coal train passing by. 

Going under those tracks was an interesting venture though. 

Grandpa John helped coax them through with a bucket of cake. 

Home sweet home, for a while anyway. The cattle will stay over here next to Hwy 59 for quite awhile before they come home for the winter. 

The job wasn't over though. We needed to bring Red Devil the bull home. 

I had to see it to believe it, but the object was to convince this bull to jump into that trailer. 

Mission accomplished. It took a little cowboy persuasion, but he eventually got the message and hopped on in. 

Couldn't have asked for a better day. The cool air and tender grass made for an enjoyable ride. And the birthday dinner for Anna back at the ranch was just icing on the cake. Chief and I are for hire. All we need is the promise of a good time and a hot meal. Both of which Anna and Ryan provided. Thanks y’all.  

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