Saturday, November 26, 2022

Hereford Hunt

The day arrived to bring our two Hereford friends home. We had babied them all summer, and boy did they finish nice. We also wanted to wait until their hair got good and long so we could save their coats. With having a Friday free and pushing 60 degree temps, we decided to take them both at once.

I bet the girls weighed in at about 1250lbs.

Starting in at about 950lbs when we got them the spring, a 300lb gain isn't too bad. They originated in the Dayton WY area. 

One should not tackle a job of this scale alone. Joe Orban was my hand of choice. 

Having ranched and hunted before, I knew he could help me skin the hides to a professional degree. 

I've never saved the hides before, and it really wasn't too much more effort to not poke holes in them. 

Some people wonder if grass fattening works. I'd say the proof is in the product. 

Well done, ol' son. 

That's a lot of meat. Thanks girls. America is appreciative. 

May your memory be eternal. 

These have been some of the funnest cows to run. I love Herefords, they are beautiful. Next step now is to tan their hides. Never done that before. Guess we'll have to figure it out. On to the next one...

Sunday, November 20, 2022


Christ the King not only fights for us but with us. 

Show Time

Awhile back, the Marians of the Immaculate Conception in Stockbridge Massachusetts got ahold of me and asked about sending a film crew our way. They have been producing a 1/2 hour segment on EWTN called Living Divine Mercy, where they highlight inspirational stories. I told them my truck door is always open to anyone who wants to ride along.

Mike Jensen and his assistant Michael arrived on Thursday and rode around all weekend. It was fun. If we were going to film in Wyoming in November, I prayed for two things: snow and sunshine. Thank you Lord. 

After a brief visit to the office life at St. Matthews, I showed them how a Catholic Cowboy priest cuts meat. 

Once we were done filming around Gillette we blew over to Worland. Going through Tensleep Canyon they got White Horse fixed up with some Go-Pro action. 

Once back home they interviewed Mom and Dad. These boys take their job seriously. 

Then it was my turn. I thought the shop, with a load of hay, Grandpa's old saddle with my rifle strapped on, as well my welder near by, was a fitting setting for an interview with Fr. Bryce. 

We pretty well covered the gamut. 

Of course we had to highlight Chief. 

And Devil's Tower.

I enjoyed these boys coming out. They were professional and I always appreciate people striving to provide the best service they can in their field of expertise. Keep up the Good work brothers. ADMG

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Buffalo Time

Every November the Durham Ranch runs the herd in and separates, vaccinates, and preg-tests their Buffalo. I usually get in on it and such was the case the other day. A good set up and a knowledgeable crew makes a dangerous job go relatively smoothly and be quite enjoyable in the processes.

Before we got going we had to ship out a load of fats to head for the the slaughter house in Colorado. 

All of the calves raised on the ranch are then kept on the ranch and fed until they reach about 1100lbs. These bull were prime and ready to go. 

You definitely don't want to get in the way of these bad boys on their was up the chute. You can chase a Buffalo anywhere it wants to go. 

It was then time to get to work inside. The current working set up at the ranch has been a work in progress for the past several years. They are pretty well dialed in these days with a Binford 2000 squeeze cute, hydraulic sorting cube, and a building to keep us out of the cold November wind. 

John was in charge of lining everybody out, including his dad. 

One of my jobs was to scan every critter that came through the chute. 

The information was then sent to Erin and she could pull up all the data history of the cow and enter its current stats. 

Marshall had the most strenuous job of preg-checking. This wasn't he first rodeo. He arms the cows to see if they are bred or not. And then he reaches down to see if she is still milking. If so it means she raised a calf this summer. If dry, she probably lost it along the way and might not be worth running again, depending on her track record. 

Ultra sound certainly makes testing Buffalo easier and more accurate. 

Pat does it all, from running the chute, to bleeding certain cows, to de-horning damaged horns.

I enjoy coming down and hanging with everybody and lending a hand. But the monster cookies are the real reason I show up. 

And to get my annual mug shot next to a willing bull.

A good time is always had when hanging with the Flocchini's. The run a smooth outfit. We can have fun and still get a lot of work done. Better yet, the Bison they raise are in peak shape and live in as stress free environment as could be imagined for a wild animal. Nice work boys. Keep up the Good work. 

Bride of Christ

The celebration of the dedication of a church is a reminder that the Church is the Bride of Christ. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022


Mom always said that if she could teach her boys to make an omelet and a hamburger they could survive. Well, I've been living off both for the past 24 years. There are always new tricks to learn, but I feel I've got cooking an omelet down pat. It's always been a Sunday tradition for me to make an omelet. I used to do so back home, then for my Uncle's family when I worked in Montana, and now again after Mass as a priest. 

This first step is a good non-stick pan. Mom gave me this pan when I left home. I think her final words were: "I've done all I can, good luck son."

I used to make myself a six egg omelet. Since then I've toned it down to three. To make your eggs fluff up, add a little water. 

You want the pan hot before you pour in your beaten eggs. I always spray it with Pam as well. 

This sears the bottom. Once poured in, turn the heat down to about half.

The greatest trick is to pull the sides in once the eggs have cooked a bit. This allows the batter to flow in behind. By doing so you can cook all the eggs without over cooking the bottom. I do this several times to make sure all the eggs are cooked. 

Then I add chopped ham and salt and pepper.

Cheese as well.

Flopping it over is a trick that takes both hands. Do set yourself up for success by aligning the fold with the handle.

This makes flopping onto the plate a breeze. Don't horse around though, give it a good flip. 


Beer for Sunday brunch is always acceptable. Homemade grape jelly and toast complement an omelet as well. 

I love a good Sunday omelet. Cooking it is a good way to debrief from the two Masses that proceed it. Once enjoyed in the company of the our Blessed Mother, then it's nap time. After a little siesta, then I'm ready for my third and final round of the day. So far I'm surviving. A good omelet not only keeps me well fed, but it keeps me enjoying life too. Thanks Ma!


Die No More

In marriage one dies to self to live for the other. But not in Heaven.

Window of Mercy

God's mercy is right around the corner.