Saturday, November 26, 2022

Hereford Hunt

The day arrived to bring our two Hereford friends home. We had babied them all summer, and boy did they finish nice. We also wanted to wait until their hair got good and long so we could save their coats. With having a Friday free and pushing 60 degree temps, we decided to take them both at once.

I bet the girls weighed in at about 1250lbs.

Starting in at about 950lbs when we got them the spring, a 300lb gain isn't too bad. They originated in the Dayton WY area. 

One should not tackle a job of this scale alone. Joe Orban was my hand of choice. 

Having ranched and hunted before, I knew he could help me skin the hides to a professional degree. 

I've never saved the hides before, and it really wasn't too much more effort to not poke holes in them. 

Some people wonder if grass fattening works. I'd say the proof is in the product. 

Well done, ol' son. 

That's a lot of meat. Thanks girls. America is appreciative. 

May your memory be eternal. 

These have been some of the funnest cows to run. I love Herefords, they are beautiful. Next step now is to tan their hides. Never done that before. Guess we'll have to figure it out. On to the next one...

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