Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Sno Cat

If you want to roll around the mountains in December, you better be geared up. Mom and Dad are. The only time their cabin is hard to get to is May and November when the snow is melting or starting to fall. Other than that, they can get in all year long. For winter travel, their sno-cat is the vehicle of choice. 

They bought this beauty about 10 years ago. She's a 1971 model. Dad's done well to keep her maintained, which includes greasing the some 250 roller bearings on the tracks each year. 

Tucker continues to make sno-cats, though their technology has vastly improved. You have to start somewhere though. 

Though she's simple, the engineering is quite remarkable. She has a flat head 6 with a four speed. If your are going over 10mph, you better slower down a notch. 

You can haul gear in the back, or a band of your buddies. 

She runs good on groomed trails. 

And breaking trails. 

The four pontoons are what make her float, while the paddle tracks give her traction. 

She may be slow, but she'll get you where you want to go. 

Modern machines have allowed man to get to areas in the winter where only the moose and squirrels roamed. Thanks to their Tucker Sno-Cat, Mom and Dad can enjoy their Big Horn getaway all year long. 


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