Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Grand Finale

With only one day left in Hawaii we decided to hit it hard. After breakfast at our favorite restaurant, Cheese Burger in Paradise, we saddled up for a little stand up paddle board action. With my mountain surfing skills at hand, this came much more natural than straight up surfing. In the afternoon we took a little sea tour on a sail boat called a catamaran. Fun and easy time.

Of course, Bear has connections so we were treated with honors. 

Hanging in the sun and water without doing the work of paddling was a nice treat. 

I still can't believe it's January. 

We jumped some dolphins. 
(Hit the gear and bump up the quality to 720 pics on both videos) 

And a whale. 

Once back at the ranch we celebrated Mass. No better way to end our Hawaiian vaca than by thanking God.

Of course that was topped off with some of Cindy's fine home cooking. 

This has been a good trip in more ways than one. Sure the activities were fun. But more importantly, our relationships were forged. That kind of goodness will bear fruit long into the future. How... we'll just have to wait and see. Until then, thank you Bear and Cindy for being such generous hosts of Joe and I. Much appreciated. God bless. 

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Ask, Seek, Knock

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