Friday, May 5, 2023

Cattle Company Day

Next to Easter, my annual Cattle Company Day has to be my favorite day of the year. It's so amazing to reflect on everything in life that has occurred to make a day like this come together. From my ancestors who forged this path, to my upbringing and ranching experiences as a young man, to my time in seminary which formed me as a priest and encouraged me to live out of my sonship, to the people and places that allow for running of a few cattle in some of the most beautiful country in America. It is a gift, and I am thankful.

Lungren Brothers is a sentimental handle. It was the name of Grandpa's farm growing up. LB is also the brand my brother bought me some 20 years ago.

Needing some good cowboy help I turned to my buddy Kelly Hand. An education he gave me: fast is slow, slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Thanks partner. 

After loosing the hair off my hand getting the fire started, we were ready for work. 

Work smarter not harder. The right equipment helps take the stress out of ranching. A good squeeze chute and hot irons make all the difference. 

Welcome to the herd. 

We ended up with a total of 5 cows to fatten this year. Less than years past, but I'm thankful. Two from Etchemendy's, two from Isenberger's, and one white one from the sale barn to keep things interesting. 

After a smooth branding, we trucked it up to Hulett to the Raney Ranch. These girls are gonna have fun. 

I had already stashed the horses up here on a previous trip. John and Chief were ready to ride. 

Such cool country. The red rocks and green grass makes for some beautiful landscapes. 

There are surprises around every corner.   

The best thing for the inside of a man is the outside of a horse. 

Happy campers. 

Good luck girls. The grass up here has a good start. A little more sunshine and a drink or two, and it'll be knee deep in no time. It's hard to put into words a day as good as today. Gratitude, I suppose is as close as it gets. That's really our only response to God's gifts. Sure we have to be open to receive them and cooperate with the grace He gives us. But ultimately, life is gift. Might as well thank God and enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present!!


Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.