Friday, June 16, 2023


The feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus reveals that God loves us with a human heart. With that in mind, Kelly and I set off to glorify the Lord with our lives. No better way to do that than by chasing cows. 

Kelly's my right hand man. Whether it's on the Altar or in the pasture, he's always one step ahead of me. 

Today was redemption day. The last horse Kelly was on broke four of his ribs. The only way to heal after something like that is to saddle back up. 

It was time to pull our critters out of John's place. He has some other cows coming in so we decided to get while the getting was good. Of course we found the girls hiding in the trees.

Getting them all going in the right direction was a bit of a chore. 

As well as finding a place to bring them down that's not rim-rocked.

Giddy up. 

Well done. 

A good fence is worth 10 cowboys. 

Good ride cowboy. 

Once in the corral we loaded them up in Paddy Wagon. I always wondered if you could fit five cows in the back half of her. Guess so. 

We weren't done though. I wanted to put some fly tags in their ears. John didn't have a squeeze chute so we borrowed the neighbor's. 

Got er' done. 

It was a trick loading them back up again. And to top it off, we had to chain up to get out of there. Any time I can put iron on my tires I'm a happy camper.

Then we unloaded them at Joe's place where they'll spend the rest of the summer. 

But before we kicked them loose we rode the fence. 

This was a cute little find. You can almost step right over these fawns without them moving. Pretty obedient to mom, I'd say. 

Good luck girls. Don't eat it all in one day.

Muy Bien. 

I love chasing cows. And when it's with a good buddy, all the better. I've been around a lot of cowboys, but not as many cattlemen. A good cattleman thinks like a cow. He makes going where he wants them to go their idea. Kelly and I are cattlemen in progress. But what fun is it to be a finished product? Life's about the journey as much as the destination. Jesus not only leads us home to Heaven, He also teaches us how to enjoy life in the process. Thanks Lord for a good day. We're on to the next one! 

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