Thursday, August 31, 2023

Dog Days

With the dog days of summer upon us it’s been hard to find anything exciting to do. Fixing this old gate for Colleen Caulk is about as fun as it gets anymore.

Her son Jim is in town doing some home repairs. Colleen houses my horses for the winter so I wanted to pitch in where I could. 

The gate was just sagging, so I set out to rehang it. 

Lag bolts were my fastener of choice. 

A few bolts in the other side of the hinge and we were set. 

They plan to paint the fence too, so fixing the broken board was also in order. 

Back in action. 

I’m always happy to help reset a gate. Sagging gates are my pet peeve. I was also thankful to find something constructive to do during these hot, end of summer days. On to the next one. 

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