Sunday, August 6, 2023

Spool Time

What does a lineman tell a girl after their first date? Okonite. Joe's as corny as he is cool. Being in need of some deck furniture, Joe Orban was the first guy I called. 

Working for the city of Gillette on their power division, Joe had access to the spool of our choice. 

We both felt this was the one. Standing 3' tall on end, she is almost 5' in diameter. 

We thought the leftover cedar planks from the siding would make a nice table top. 

I tightened up the bolts that hold it together, then trimmed down the bottom side. 

Then got to cleaning up planks. 

Nothing an air-nailer and saws-all can't handle.


Then got some tall chairs that were on sale. They fit it well. Special thanks to my other friend Joe Madonia in Texas for his support of this project. These chairs are for you!

Our Blessed Mother approves. 

I'm all about re-purposing. No sense in letting a good spool go to waste. It fits great in our outdoor cabin. Just in time to enjoy the rest of the summer. Thanks Joe. 

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