Thursday, August 3, 2023

Sweet Home Alabama

As far as Catholic media goes, EWTN is the daddy of em all. A few weeks back, they reached out and asked if I’d like to be on EWTN Live with Fr. Mitch Pacwa. Fr. Mitch and I go way back, so with a happy heart I headed south.

It was a treat to step foot on this Holy ground. EWTN has played a big role in me learning the Catholic Faith as well as helping me hear the Lord’s call to the priesthood.

The flight down went smooth. Once settled, they put me up in a nice guest house, and the food was 5 star.

My first full day there, Fr. Mitch and I jumped in his truck and headed to Hanceville AL where Mother Angelica’s monastery is. Beautiful area.

The entire shrine is centered around the Heart of Jesus.

Inside the chapel, which she liked to call a temple, is perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

I was in the Holy Land the Easter Sunday that Mother Angelica went to her eternal rest in 2016.

Along with other deceased sisters of the order, Mother’s body rests in peace in the crypt chapel at the monastery.

Fr. Mitch comes up here once a week and does a Scripture study with the sisters. 

We also hit up the gift shop where we found a lone copy of the CCW.

That evening we met up with Fr. Peter, a buddy priest of Fr. Mitch’s, for some Chicago style pizza.

The next day, I tagged along to concelebrate a Maronite Mass with Fr. Mitch.

Beautiful liturgy.

That evening was time for the show.

First they got me all dolled up.

Then Fr. Mitch and I went to chewing the fat about the Catholic Cowboy Way of life.

Here’s the whole thing.

We also had a good crew from Louisiana who came to cheer us on.

Twice I got to concelebrate Mass at the studio.

And on my last day they let me preach.

Amazing! Some experiences are hard to put into words. There is so much wrapped up in my pilgrimage to EWTN. After years of benefitting from their teaching, it was truly an honor to be on their program and get to know all the people behind the scenes. Lord only knows what comes next, but it’s hard to imagine getting much better than this. Thanks Father, for the gift that EWTN continues to be to the world. 

1 comment:

  1. We enjoyed this blog post so much and the program with Fr. Mitch and Fr. Bryce was really good!!! My husband and I are 74 years old with agricultural backgrounds, so of course we could relate to many of Fr. Bryce’s stories❤️šŸ™šŸ»❤️ We live in Oklahoma and really appreciate EWTN programming.


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