Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Stuck Pivot

Modern farming technologies are great, but not trouble free. Irrigation around the Bighorn Basin has evolved from flood irrigating to pivot sprinklers. Pivots are great, when they keep moving. 

Dad's sprinkler went down from being out of alignment. We figured it probably got stuck from all the corn dragging along as it's climbing up the hill in the mud. Not uncommon if so. 

So we got the drone out and flew the field. 

And found it wasn't just stuck, it had a flat tire... in the middle of the field!

So we got geared up and drove the side-by-side down the pivot track until we came to the tower. 

Sure enough... it was flat. 

With enough blocks we were able to get it jacked up. 

Once unbolted we had to dig it out. 

And load it up. 

Dad's corn is looking pretty good. Within the next couple weeks they will chop it into silage. 

I bet some of it is 12' high.

Back in business. 

Dad and I are always up for an adventure. A flat pivot sprinkler tire in the middle of a corn field is right up our alley. Farming is fun, and can even pay the bills at times. But I think it's the challenge that makes it the most enjoyable. Men need to be tested. It's what gives us strength and builds up our character. Giddy up. 

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