Sunday, October 1, 2023

Horse Keeping

Like any animal, horses' coats need tending to. Whether you are getting ready to ride, just getting done riding, or simply cleaning your critter, grooming is a necessary part of horse hygiene. 

The right tool for the job makes a big difference. These three brushes will take care of about anything the average cowboy might run into. 

Cockle burrs are not an uncommon problem in a horse's mane and tail. 

The best way I've found to tend to them is to just pull the hair apart with your hands and expose the burrs. 

Then you can just pull them out.


If their mane has burrs, their tail probably does too. The same process works there as well. The safest way to work with a horse's tail is to pull it around to the side.

This comb is meant for manes and tails. More like a brush, it does a good job straightening the hair out. 

Just go with the flow. If you have a big rat's nest you are working with, put your other hand on the top of the main so you're not jerking hard on the roots. 

The most common tool in a tack shed is a curry comb. In fact, if you can only choose one form of brush, this is the one to have. It is mainly used before saddling. It's aggressive teeth will clean mud and everything else off a horse's hide before you put your rigging on. Any time you use a curry comb, brush with the natural lay of the hair. 

These big brushes are handy to have as well. Picking up some of the finer debris, they are good to use all around a horse after you have used a curry comb as well bushing a horse down after a good ride. Although, they are just going to go roll in the dirt anyway!

Looking good. 

A pretty horse is a happy horse. Just how your pickup always runs better after it's washed, so does a horse preform better with a clean coat and a groomed mane. Good horse keeping isn't rocket science, but it does take time and effort. Pays off in the long run though.The happier the horse, the happier the cowboy. 

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