Friday, October 27, 2023

Winter Farm Sale

Winter was bound to show up, just happened to be on the day we ran to Montana to pick up some new old equipment. 

Farm auctions are mostly online these days. Which is nice because you can watch sales from all over the country. Musser Bros. is mainly based out of Billings MT and hosts sales all over the Rocky Mountain west.

Two things caught my eye on their last sale. This hydraulic post hole digger. 

And this old spray tank. Bidding online is a trick. You can place bids for about 30 days before the close of the sale. Anymore, I like to wait until the last day, put in my highest bid, and walk away hoping for the best. This time it worked out and we got a decent deal on both of these ranch additions. 

So we blew out early Friday morning, just after a nice little storm rolled through the area. Down on the Powder River, it was chilly, 

The farm was located just outside of Lavina MT, about an hour north of Billings. All the roads were fairly snowpacked, but passable. 

There they be.

Skidstears make light work of things. 

I'd rather haul a load than pull it, especially when the weather is bad. 

Looks good. This unit will just clamp onto the bucket of a farmhand and run off the tractor's hydraulics instead of the PTO. 

This guy has much potential to become a spray unit for weeds around the place. 

One man's junk is another man's treasure. Online auctions have taken away the social aspect of farm sales, but they've opened the door to sales you'd never go to before. Looks like winter is beginning. No doubt it'll warm up here and there, but for the most part, you better have your water tank heaters plugged in. Bring it. 

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