Wednesday, July 31, 2024

County Fair

The county fair that Chris Ledoux sang about would have been right here in Johnson County. So Gerry and I had to swing by and see what it’s all about.

Fair time is the highlight of the year for small western towns. Buffalo is the Johnson County seat. 

Livestock is the main attraction. 4H kids bring their finest to show and sale. 

All week long they wash and polish them. 

They even practice their showmanship before the big day arrives. 

Every night, before each critter’s event, they have a feed sponsored by different community organizations. Today was pork, put on by the local FFA. 

Afterwards, they started the pig judging. 

Out of every weight class, the judge selects the best in build and tells the kids why. 

At the end of the week long fair will be the rodeo. 

Because Johnson County is full of cowboys, it only allows locals to sign up for the events, with the exception of the rough stock. Anyone is welcome to come get bucked off. 

Gotta have a snow cone to top things off. 

Fun stuff. The county fair is for everyone. Whether you ranch or not, come out and enjoy the livestock and good folks. It’s about as down home as you can get. God bless America! 

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