It was time to move our two brumbies into new pasture. Leaving them in Gillette until some pasture opens up in Buffalo, we ran over to walk them across the street.
Gerry from Spain came to visit for a couple weeks. It's nice to have him back around the ranch.

Every spring, for the last five years, Mike and Nancy Fulton have graciously taken care of our critters. Chief and Mike have grown to be pretty good buddies. Thanks, you two, for putting up with us all.
Once we gathered up the horses and their oats, we just walked them to a neighboring pasture.
Sally Craig has watched over Chief and Mollie before. She does a fine job. So much so that they rarely want to leave.
This guy will keep the horses watered for weeks.
This is also a good time to trim their hooves. Black hooves in late July are like clipping stone.
Happy trails.
Good stuff. Part of the fun of running critters on other people's places is interacting with them. I have grown fond of the folks that have housed my horses and cows. We've gotten into great discussions and have been able to draw nearer to God and His Church. The horses appreciate it too. They usually get plenty of TLC. Thanks y'all for being good stewards of God's creation.
We always enjoy them.