Saturday, September 14, 2024


I like to carry a Rosary on my hip. It is intimidating to the devil and it is also a source of consolation to know our Lord and Lady are close by. One danger of a cowboy wearing a Rosary is that it is bound to get beat up. Mine has held up well, but it was time to replace it.

People often ask me what kind of Rosary I carry. I tell them I like a Rosary that can dub as a tow rope in case your pickup gets stuck. Well, Rugged Rosaries are the ones. Made of paracord, they'd break your hip before they let go. Where it attaches to the Cross is the only problem I've had. But thankfully, there is something that will give in case you ever really did get hung up. This new Rosary is a simple monastic style with a St. Benedict medal on the Crucifix. St. Benedict medals need a special blessing that involves a minor exorcism first. Powerful sacramental. 

I loved my old one. It was given to me by a friend after she was brought into the Church. It's hung on my hip for the past three or four years. It always held up well until the Crucifix broke. So I gave it to my Florida buddy, Bob, who likes to fix Rosaries. 

Back in action.  

I love praying the Rosary. It covers me with the protection of our Blessed Mother. All the while, drawing me deeper into the mysteries our Lord, Jesus Christ. If I don't pray the Rosary before the day gets going, I know it. Best to pray it first thing and reap the spiritual rewards throughout the rest of the day. It's good to have some serious heat back at my side. I guess I could carry a firearm instead, but I wouldn't feel as safe. Nothing is more powerful than true devotion to Jesus and Mary. Outside of the Liturgy, little draws us closer to them than praying the Rosary. 

Friday, September 13, 2024


Thursday and Friday I took a little pilgrimage down to the capital city of Cheyenne. I was invited to give a talk to the ladies of the Bishop's Guild, so I took in a little site seeing in the process. 

Beautiful capital building. We went in it years ago during a family vacation.

Wyoming was formed as a state in 1890. 

Affectionally known as the cowboy state, our official nickname is the Equality State for being the first state to allow women to vote. 

Cheyenne is also home of the Chancery, where the bishop and all his staff take care of business.

And of course, the Cathedral of St. Mary. 

I was ordained a priest on this marble floor back in 2018.

Beautifully simple chair of the Diocese. 

Early Friday morning, Fr. Seth and I celebrated their daily 6:45 morning Mass. 

After which, he cooked us breakfast. 

On the way out of town I stoped in to see the rodeo grounds for the Cheyenne Frontier Days and the Daddy of them all.

Lane Frost rode his last bull here back in 1989.

My final stop was to see Debby and Ray Hunkins. Ray liked my book and I look forward to reading his articles in Range magazine. 

Good time. I enjoy getting out and about. I've been to Cheyenne plenty, but sometimes you have to stop and look around. Neat history down here. I'll been down again, I'm sure. But for now, think I'll hang up north in Buffalo.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Apostolic authority still exists today inside the magisterium of the Catholic Church.

Monday, September 9, 2024


Put righteous angry to work through charity.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Horse Move

Now that the horses have a feel for Johnson County, it was time to kick them to pasture. 

For the past few weeks they have been nibbling on grass in Vignaroli's riding arena, while getting to know the horses on the other side of the fence. Today it was time to turn them loose. 

Before doing so, I wanted to saddle up and ride the fence.

Old reliable was ready to go. 

Then we grabbed mom and hit the trail.

Good fence and good grass.

Enjoy kids!

We'll leave the saddle in the barn in case a riding opportunity out here arises.

A Sunday afternoon ride is always good for the soul, even if it is short and sweet. The horses will be happy on greener grass, and I'll be glad not to worry about them for the next month or so. Hopefully we'll draw some rounding up gigs this fall. Cowboys stay ready. 

Physical Signs

Don't over spiritualize the spiritual life.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Oil Lines

“Anything mechanical is going to break down.” Grandpa always said. The oil cooler lines on White Horse have been dripping oil for the past couple years. It was time to tend to them. 

This is not an area to skimp. GM parts only, on this project. 

The oil cooler lines run from the oil filter to the radiator, where the oil is able to drop a degree or two. 

First step was unhooking them from the radiator. A simple e-clip and they were free. 

Underneath is where the work began. The lines bolt in right above the filter. 

Unbolting them wasn’t bad, minus the bath in motor oil. 

If you don’t have floor-dry on hand, dirt always works. 

Fishing the lines out was another story. A tip I learned was to loosen the front differential mounting bolts. 

Front and back. 

That gave us just enough room to weave the lines out. They were half steel and half rubber hose, which was helpful and challenging. 

Got em. 

Going in was easier. I was able to route over some electrical lines that hung us up coming out. GM parts bolted right up. 

Hooking back up to the radiator was slick. Put that e-clip in first and the lines just push right into place. 

Don’t forget to tighten the front-end back up. 

Giddy up.

Alls well that ends well. I’ve had funner projects, but some you just have to get done. I was going to have a mechanic shop put them on last year, but they said it was a three hour job, which included loosening to motor mounts. No thanks. We gotter done. I say we, but I flew solo on this one. However, as always, the Holy Spirit was present to lend encouragement. Onto the next one.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Let Us Ranch

The time we have all been waiting for has arrived: Fr. Bryce Lungren, Pastor of St. John the Baptist in Buffalo and adjoining missions. Giddy up!

For years, White Horse and I have felt that Buffalo would be a good fit for us. So when Bishop Steven suggested this last spring, we were all game. For the past two months we have served as associate under Fr. Jim Heiser until he retired the end of last month.

So today it is official!

I am super thankful to Bishop Steven, Fr. Jim, and the People of God in Buffalo for all the behind the scenes work to make my transition here smooth. I'm excited to serve as pastor of Johnson county. Responsibility and creativity are two virtues that make the human person flourish. It's time to put them into action. Let us ranch!


Jesus came to lead us into authenticity. 


I like to carry a Rosary on my hip. It is intimidating to the devil and it is also a source of consolation to know our Lord and Lady are clo...