Friday, September 13, 2024


Thursday and Friday I took a little pilgrimage down to the capital city of Cheyenne. I was invited to give a talk to the ladies of the Bishop's Guild, so I took in a little site seeing in the process. 

Beautiful capital building. We went in it years ago during a family vacation.

Wyoming was formed as a state in 1890. 

Affectionally known as the cowboy state, our official nickname is the Equality State for being the first state to allow women to vote. 

Cheyenne is also home of the Chancery, where the bishop and all his staff take care of business.

And of course, the Cathedral of St. Mary. 

I was ordained a priest on this marble floor back in 2018.

Beautifully simple chair of the Diocese. 

Early Friday morning, Fr. Seth and I celebrated their daily 6:45 morning Mass. 

After which, he cooked us breakfast. 

On the way out of town I stoped in to see the rodeo grounds for the Cheyenne Frontier Days and the Daddy of them all.

Lane Frost rode his last bull here back in 1989.

My final stop was to see Debby and Ray Hunkins. Ray liked my book and I look forward to reading his articles in Range magazine. 

Good time. I enjoy getting out and about. I've been to Cheyenne plenty, but sometimes you have to stop and look around. Neat history down here. I'll been down again, I'm sure. But for now, think I'll hang up north in Buffalo.


  1. Father Bryce, thank you for this post! I first moved to Buffalo, from Sheridan, when Fr. Seth had just been ordained Deacon Seth. Thanks be to God that you younger men have responded to God's very personal calls to each of you, individually, to be our priests. You are both my in Catholic Cowboy Hall of Fame as "All-Around" spiritual rodeo Champions! We, the parishioners in the Body of Christ, need your priestly sacraments of ordination living among us. And may God bless you and the Great State of Wyoming!

  2. Range magazine! How did I let my subscription expire...🤔



 Forgiveness is an act of charity.