Friday, September 6, 2024

Oil Lines

“Anything mechanical is going to break down.” Grandpa always said. The oil cooler lines on White Horse have been dripping oil for the past couple years. It was time to tend to them. 

This is not an area to skimp. GM parts only, on this project. 

The oil cooler lines run from the oil filter to the radiator, where the oil is able to drop a degree or two. 

First step was unhooking them from the radiator. A simple e-clip and they were free. 

Underneath is where the work began. The lines bolt in right above the filter. 

Unbolting them wasn’t bad, minus the bath in motor oil. 

If you don’t have floor-dry on hand, dirt always works. 

Fishing the lines out was another story. A tip I learned was to loosen the front differential mounting bolts. 

Front and back. 

That gave us just enough room to weave the lines out. They were half steel and half rubber hose, which was helpful and challenging. 

Got em. 

Going in was easier. I was able to route over some electrical lines that hung us up coming out. GM parts bolted right up. 

Hooking back up to the radiator was slick. Put that e-clip in first and the lines just push right into place. 

Don’t forget to tighten the front-end back up. 

Giddy up.

Alls well that ends well. I’ve had funner projects, but some you just have to get done. I was going to have a mechanic shop put them on last year, but they said it was a three hour job, which included loosening to motor mounts. No thanks. We gotter done. I say we, but I flew solo on this one. However, as always, the Holy Spirit was present to lend encouragement. Onto the next one.

1 comment:

  1. Father Bryce, thank you for this post! The Apostle Paul was a "tent maker." What I understand is that tents in the 1st century were made of leather. Heavy, dirty work... And I see you too get your hands dirty and love every minute of the skill and strength it requires to do truck mechanics on the ranch. Hey our Father has cattle on a thousand hills, according to the Good Book. Be well, Father, and thank you for being a "raw and real" Catholic Priest. Yes, I've read your book! And may God bless you and St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Buffalo, WYO.



 Forgiveness is an act of charity.