Saturday, September 14, 2024


I like to carry a Rosary on my hip. It is intimidating to the devil and it is also a source of consolation to know our Lord and Lady are close by. One danger of a cowboy wearing a Rosary is that it is bound to get beat up. Mine has held up well, but it was time to replace it.

People often ask me what kind of Rosary I carry. I tell them I like a Rosary that can dub as a tow rope in case your pickup gets stuck. Well, Rugged Rosaries are the ones. Made of paracord, they'd break your hip before they let go. Where it attaches to the Cross is the only problem I've had. But thankfully, there is something that will give in case you ever really did get hung up. This new Rosary is a simple monastic style with a St. Benedict medal on the Crucifix. St. Benedict medals need a special blessing that involves a minor exorcism first. Powerful sacramental. 

I loved my old one. It was given to me by a friend after she was brought into the Church. It's hung on my hip for the past three or four years. It always held up well until the Crucifix broke. So I gave it to my Florida buddy, Bob, who likes to fix Rosaries. 

Back in action.  

I love praying the Rosary. It covers me with the protection of our Blessed Mother. All the while, drawing me deeper into the mysteries our Lord, Jesus Christ. If I don't pray the Rosary before the day gets going, I know it. Best to pray it first thing and reap the spiritual rewards throughout the rest of the day. It's good to have some serious heat back at my side. I guess I could carry a firearm instead, but I wouldn't feel as safe. Nothing is more powerful than true devotion to Jesus and Mary. Outside of the Liturgy, little draws us closer to them than praying the Rosary. 


  1. Dave from Colorado here. Thanks for sharing. I know it’s not a rosary but I did something a little different for my saddle. Where are my saddles strings attach on the front, I took a piece of orange baling twine and tied 10 little knots into it. Each knot is a bead from a decade of the rosary. That way when I’m riding along, I can just reach down and keep count of my “beads”. I hope that classifies as being Catholic Cowboy? Congrats on your new pastoral position and stay safe.

  2. I think the way you created your rosary is incredible, & you should get the Catholic Cowboy first class award.

  3. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners.....🙏



 Forgiveness is an act of charity.