Monday, September 23, 2024

Shipping Calves

Fall is calf shipping season in the Rocky Mountain ranch world. I got my first call to lend a hand at the Borgialli Ranch about 25 miles east of Buffalo. Good time. 

I was assigned Ol' Blue. I'm not really a Dodge guy, but this Cummins diesel really pulled! 

Indian Creek, is the exact area. Dry and dusty, yet beautiful. 

Jim Borgialli is the head honcho of this outfit. He caught me at church one day and asked if I'd like to lend a hand. Sure would!

First order of business was weaning the calves from the cows. Clayton Borgialli made light work of it. 

They stuck me in the alleyway to keep the critters moving once separated. 

After the cows were cut out, we were able to bunch up the calves.

And jump them in the trailers. 

We hauled them to the sale barn to weigh and load them on the truck. 

Nice even bunch of black Angus calves. 

The next job was to separate the heifer calves from the steer calves. The buyer rep did the sorting, while the brand inspector inspected the calves' brand. 

Then we ran the steers in the barn and got an average weight on them. 

All 80 steers averaged about 592 lbs, about 12 pounds heavier than they were contracted for. Bonus. 

Then we jumped them on the truck. So long kids. 

After all that, we headed back to the ranch to do some fall conditioning to the cows. 

Fred Carr gave the vaccine. 

While I poured them. Should be free from Covid for a while. 

We just loaded the alleyway and Fred gave the shots. 

While I deloused their backs. 


This is the day most ranchers are looking for. Around Montana and Wyoming, cattle producers mainly raise calves through the spring and summer, and sell them to buyers in the fall who will feed them up to 1200 lbs or so before they land in the steak house. After all is said and done, it's nice to take a breath and thank God for the year. But don't get too comfortable, there's always more work to be done. We’re on to the next one. 


  1. Great to see you finding other Catholic cowboys. If this was a school setting, you’d be hanging out with the cool kids!!

  2. Ivermectin.🥳


Ask, Seek, Knock

We seek God by seeking our neighbor.