Sunday, November 24, 2024

Breakfast Sandwich

With having more time free on Sunday mornings, I have been able to exercise some culinary creativity. Such is the case with my latest creation, the Breakfast Sandwich. 

This bad boy is easy to make and delightful to eat. Watch and learn. 

Cooking with gas is a new experience for me. But this 1957 gas stove top continues to get the job done. 

I like to use some cooking spray to keep the surface slick. Then crack two farm fresh eggs into a heated up pan. Then cool the heat a bit. 

In the meantime, get your toast toasting. 

This is probably the hardest part, the flip. 

Once cooked on the bottom, flip the eggs to sear the top of the yokes. 

Immediately, put on your chopped ham lunchmeat and a slice of cheese. 

Then cover it with a lid. 

Once the cheese is melted, it's ready to serve. 

I put a piece of toast on top of the cheese while still in the pan.

Then just give a flip onto the plate. 

Cap it with the other side of the sandwich and roll it over so the cheese is back on top. 

Bon appetit. 

Beautiful. Being creative in the kitchen is nothing new to me. I've been coming up with cowboy concoctions for years. This, I have to say is one of my more practical creations. The Breakfast Sandwich serves a good purpose. It adds to the solemnity of Sunday, while keeping you fueled until lunch. Feel free to share this recipe with others. I remain dedicated to feeding America. Ranch on. 

1 comment:

  1. Some years ago, I discovered a recipe for “Egg in the Hole” in Ree Drummond’s Pioneer Woman cookbook. Not as handy, or as portable, as your fine sandwich, but it did open my eyes to the magic of egg and toast, cooked together in butter, with salt and pepper as the crowning touches. My mother’s mealtime prayer, btw: “Bless O Lord, this food to our use, and us to Thy service, and make us ever mindful of the needs of others.” Amen!



Is a total dependance on God.