Saturday, November 2, 2024

George Foreman

Question: Can you cook a steak on a George Foreman grill?

I answer that: Yes.

This George Foreman is my latest and greatest cooking machine. 

Step one: thaw out a Lungren Brothers grass fattened ribeye steak in a sink of cool water while you are hearing confessions and celebrating Mass on a Saturday night. 

Then, prep it with salt and pepper. 

Next, spray a little cooking oil on the Foreman to help with clean up. 

After she's warmed up good, set your meat on and let the cooking begin. 

2.5 minutes in, open and rotate your steak four clicks on the clock to get a nice cross-hatch look. Presentation is half the taste. 


Medium-rare in 4 minutes. 

Somethings you just never know until you try. Cooking on a George Foreman is an art. And the only way to get good at it is to get in the kitchen and box. Fear prevents many of us from tying new things. Could I have overcooked this beautiful ribeye? Sure. But heroes aren't made by standing outside the ring. Now I know and you know. Be not afraid. What might be God calling you to do?


  1. Thanks for the info Padre. I see you stepped inside the ring with an IPA. What happened to your Silver Bullet?

    1. No problem with the Bullets. Just like a Hot Streak on a special occasion!



The stakes are hight but the rewards are great.