Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Horse Update

Usually around this time of year is when I put the horses up for the winter. I'd enjoy riding again, but the opportunities to do so are definitely fewer. Regardless, it's a good time to make sure they're ready for the cold and reflect back on the year. 

Buck still rules the roost at the Marton Ranch. Having a mare around seems to have breathed new life into his old bones. 

Red finally made it back home to my brother. I had a couple guys put some more rides on him as he needed more attention over the summer than I was able to give him. He's all yours now, Luke. He left a brumby and came back a saddle horse. 

Mollie gets the tough horse award this year. When I needed her most, she came through with a willing spirit. Glad she's on the ranch. 

Overall, Chief had a good year. Put on a show for the school kids, drug calves around, let all sorts of folks ride him, and went on round ups. But his lameness concerns me. Seems to be in his front right leg. Likely it's down low, but maybe in his knee. I'll probably just let him rest until spring and see how he looks. I don't foresee it being too serous, he's only 12 and has had a pretty easy life. He probably just twitted an ankle when Buck was chasing him away from Mollie. 

Definitely going to take some time to get all the cockleburs out of his mane.

After a solid freeze is a good time to deworm a horse. Some people do it often, but I only do it in the spring, after the frost comes out. And in the fall, when the frost goes in. My preferred dewormer is the cheapest one on the shelf. 

I give a whole tube to each horse. Open wide!

It takes them a minute to swallow. Not sure they enjoy it, but they seem to be tolerant.  

Let 'er buck!

Good stuff. It's been an up and down year in horse world. At times I wonder if the work is worth the handful of times I get to ride. But each time I do ride, I'm reminded that it is worth the effort. Horses keep you humble. They keep you grounded in creation and alive in spirit. The best thing for the inside of a man is the outside of a horse. Ranch on. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. It’s good to see you and I use the same dewormer philosophy. Don’t forget that the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man. Happy Thanksgiving!! Dave from Colorado



Is a total dependance on God.