Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Sale Day

Fall in the Rocky Mountain West is all about selling calves. Some guys'll wean them and background them for awhile. Other's will go straight from the mom to the ring. Sales like today are pretty much calves only.

You got to kinda hope for the best when bring your calves to the ring. But with cattle prices like this, you can hardly go wrong. 

My buddy Randy Crowley brought his bunch in from Campbell County. Part of them had been running on the Belle Fourche next to where we used to run ours. Good to see him.

Here they come! Red, black, brown, white, and everything in between. 

The average weight that I saw was about 500lbs. They might have sold the lights and got to the heavies later. You can fit about 50 calves on this scale. 

Randy had to tie my hands down to keep me from bidding on this bunch of Hereford heifers. 

Fun stuff. I dig the barn. Always running into good folks. Sale day is what ranchers around here work for. Come to town, get a pay check, head home and get back to work. Life is good. Keep feeding America, boys! 

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