Sunday, November 3, 2024

St. Hubert

55 miles south of Buffalo is the mission church of St. Hubert's. Located near Sussex WY, Mass has been celebrated around these parts since 1928. Today, November 3rd, is St. Hubert's feast day. 

Recently, parishioners from this area and Buffalo have remodeled this church, which was originally a schoolhouse. 

Quite beautiful. We celebrate Mass down here the first and third Sundays of the month at 2pm. We often get a pretty good crowd of young and old. 

St. Hubert's is 11 miles east of Kaycee, along the Power River.

This is Chris Ledoux country. My buddy John stands in front of D. Michael Thomas' sculpture called Good Ride Cowboy, located in the Kaycee city park. Here, Chris Ledoux is featured on Stormy Weather, the bareback horse he rode in the last round to win the 1976 world championship in Oaklahoma City. The horse is standing on a guitar that says Beneath these Western Sky's, probably Chris Ledoux's most famous song. 

I always say, If you're going to play the Cowboy Priest part, you better be the priest of Kaycee, Wyoming! Good stuff. God knows what He's doing. This is my kind of country and my kind of people. I love being a priest in Wyoming, particularly in Johnson County. Let 'er buck!


  1. Thanks for this info and great pictures. We rode our Harley trike to Kaycee when we camped in Buffalo this summer. We drove around looking for the Catholic church. Now I know why we didn't find it.

  2. Yes. Many have suffered the same distress. I guess saying the Church in Kaycee has a better ring than saying the Church in Sussex, which nobody has ever heard of. Maybe we should clarify that it is the Catholic Church outside of Kaycee!



The stakes are hight but the rewards are great.