Sunday, December 8, 2024

Catholic Canyon

God communicates Himself to us in many and varied ways. The Sacraments, Sacred Scripture, each other... The list goes on. Creation speaks to us of God in a natural way, but also in a supernatural way. If we pay attention along the road of life, God not only reveals Himself to us, but also draws us deeper into the Christian mysteries. 

One of my favorite examples of this is in Tensleep Canyon. I've been up and down this road a hundred times, more so in recent years. It never gets old. Over the years, people have pointed out to me a couple mysterious outcroppings. With eyes open in faith, God has spoken to me through this Catholic Canyon. 

The first point for pondering is just a mile or two as you start up the canyon. The best place to stop and see this site is at the Point of Interest. 

Hidden up in the cleft of the rock is a hole. The first time it was pointed out to me they said it looks like an angel

But when I saw it, God immediately revealed to me Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.

This statue belongs to my Aunt Rhonda. To this day, when I look at that rock outcropping high on the canyon wall I pray to the Father, Not my will, but Thy will be done. (Luke 22:42)

The next site comes just after the second switchback on the way up the mountain. 

Once on top, stop at the big pullout. 

High on the wall is a standalone spire. I've been told it looks like a monk.

I can see that. But to me, I see our Blessed Mother with baby Jesus in her arms. 

This is the statue of our Lady in a little grotto behind the church back home. When I look at that mysterious outcropping I hear Jesus say, Woman, behold your son. (John 19:26)

Good stuff. Above my right hat brim rests the image of our Lord. 

I've showed these things to many guys over the years. Some get it and others don't. I don't doubt that to be the case. Sightings like this are not universal, but personal. God's voice resonates on our hearts individually. He is capable of speaking to us through creation. And not just that He exists and is the Creator of all things. But that He loves us, and comes to save us through the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. A most fitting way to live out of this mystery is in the arms of Mary, the Mother of God. We would do well to take Jesus' final commandment seriously and, Behold our Mother. (John 19:27) In her arms we stay peaceful as children as we strive to fulfill the Father's will. Let's ranch. 

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The desert is a place of temptation but also a place of encounter.