Friday, December 6, 2024

Door Fix

It didn't bother me too much, but Dad has been complaining about not being able to get out of Ranch Truck easily. So, while she was warmed up in the shop, we took time to change the passenger door handle. 

When we got Ranch Truck back up and running, the door handle was gone. This little twine fix did the trick for quite awhile. 

First step was to take the door panel apart. 

The hard part about popping the panel off is not busting the plastic apart. 

Loosen a few screws, and she's off. 

A rivet holds the handle assembly on. 

Then just wack it forward with your hand. 

Two things to disconnect, the twine and the door lock lever. 

The new handle came to us via Carquest in Buffalo. 

Simply press the linkage into the new plastic grommets.

Instead of a rivet, we just put in a self-tapper. 

Then just pop the panel back into place. 

Should work.

Sure enough. 

If you're gonna ranch, you might as well ranch in style. I liked the twine, but it wasn't functional. When you need to get out to chase a fire or a cow, you need to get out quick. Dad's happy, and that's important. Ranch Truck slowly comes back to life. She came to us run down and out of commission three years ago. One by one, we fix what's broke and make Ranch Truck ranch ready. Giddy up. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing all your experiences Fr. Bryce. I fancy myself a YouTube mechanic!!! Dave from Colorado



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