Saturday, December 7, 2024

Top Rail

The corrals are coming along, but there are still some final touches to put on and plenty of welding to do. While the weather is still holding out, we stuck the top rail on the front leg of the fence. 

The original plan was to only put a top rail on the working pen. Once we got close to the end, however, it looked fitting to put pipe on all of the front sections. Partially because we had plenty of pipe to use and because there is more pressure on the front legs than else where. 

When we pounded the pipe in, we left it high with plans for a top rail later on. First step, saddle the 2 7/8". 

The more precise the cut, the less work you have when it comes to fitting the pipe and welding the joint. 

Fortunately, Hank came to lend a hand. 

Once you got the first cut made, I like to follow up and thin out the top edges. Makes the top pipe fit more flush. 

We used the continuous fence as our guide. 8 1/2" from top to bottom. 

Then laid the 30'ers on down the line. 

And fired up the Lincoln to put on the weld. 

When it comes to fitting the 2 7/8" to the 4 1/2" vertical, you pretty well have to guess. Should work. 

When it comes to working with tubing, I like to get rid of the fittings. Looks less like used oilfield pipe. 

Just cut them off and put on a good butt weld. 

All that works deserves a cold one! 


She's tacked up. Once the snow flies, we'll come back and weld our happy little hearts out. I like a top rail. It actually isn't much more work, after a guy caps free standing pipe posts. It is a stronger fence and a better look. Good combination for this entryway into loads of fun. Now all we need is some cows to put in here. If you build it, they will come. Let's ranch. 

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