Thursday, September 3, 2020

Little Ranch on the Prairie

Thursday afternoon Chief and I strolled out to the Geis family ranch southwest of Gillette on Hwy 50. I'd been looking forward to this visit because part of the Geis family settled in Worland and married into the Lungren family. Both our family's Wyoming roots go deep. 

Bobbi and I rode through the herd and got a solid lay of the land.

Each evening Maria hauls feed to her little flock on the prairie 

It takes a special kind of person to work with sheep. Good on ya Maria, that's a gift I don't have. Your patience will pay off.

To top the evening off the family, Dagen, Kevin, Bobbi, and Maria, treated me to my favorite ranch meal: meat and potatoes. 
Thanks for letting Chief and I hang out and see some new country. Your stewardship and faith is something this world could use more of. Keep it up. 

Eternal Perspective

 A watchman stands at a different perspective than many. His perspective is worth listening to.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Missionary Priest in North East Wyoming

It was the first Wednesday of the month so I jumped Chief in and headed for Hulett. The cows are content but we'll have to move them to the next pasture soon. As for the real flock, they're good. Even got a couple hitched today.

Cattle have to be the most efficient creature God made. They just sit around chewing and re-chewing their food until it's the most digestible that it can be. Unlike a horse...

The new girls and the old girls have mingled well

This is big Bertha. 1600# of pure steak. I'd like to butcher her first but think I better cut my teeth on one more manageable.

Watched the Red Devils sweat it out. Practice hard boys! I'd rather ride a horse.

Got ole White Horse back the other day. New tranny is smooth. Chief is just chillin at the library.

It was a super big treat for me to witness the marriage of this fine young couple. Many years of happiness to you Jim and Sharon. 

After all that hard work I stopped off at the Devil's Tower Gulch to pay my respects. God bless the rancher and the farmer and the Coors Brewing Company. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

That's Reasonable

Our ability to reason is spiritual. Don't waste it.

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Monday, August 31, 2020

Super Self

Grace perfects our nature

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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Fire of Desire

It was St. Ignatius of Loyola not Antioch. My bad.

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Just Ranchin

Saturday morning called for my favorite job next to buckin horses, stackin hay. Sally Craig bought a couple ton to get her herd through the winter and Jim and Kandis Ford along with Leland Hove and myself came to lend a hand.

Nice grass hay.

You ain't no cowboy unless you wear flip flops to a rodeo

After all that hard work Leland and I hit the open road in his 2017 400hp Camaro. Giddy up!

Friday, August 28, 2020

On to the Next One

One thing that has been weighing on me a bit is the fact that I never got fully moved out of my last assignment at St. Stephens Mission on the Wind River Indian Reservation. This was partially because my leaving came quick, but also cause I don't travel light. Moving a welding shop is not for the sore of back. The opportunity arose this past week for my right hand man and I to button things up and close the door on this chapter of my life. Thanks Dad and thanks St. Stephens for all the blessings.

Note to self, next assignment don't sink your welding table in concrete.

Fr. Jim Heiser and I go way back. I appreciate all your support padre, keep smiling. 

I also got to visit my good friend Sr. Monica. Just so happen to be her feast day. Thanks for the prayers Sister, they paid off.

While I was home I figured I might as well grab a few more bovine, this time they came from my brother Luke's herd. 5 open heifers that he bred and raised. Now we're up to 12 apostles minus Judas.

My brother, in his generosity and desire to get Lungren Brothers Cattle Company off the ground, donated this ole girl to the cause. It's only just begun John.

After I dropped the new girls into the old herd in Hulett I raced back to Campbell County to see this cowboy pick his 6 string.

Kellen Smith is an inspiration of mine and a big fan of stock trucks. Thanks for the miserable music bro.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven, Ecc. 3:1. I would not be the priest nor the man I am today without my experience at St. Stephens. Many thanks to Ron Mamot for his encouragement and support over the years. If it hadn't been for him I wouldn't have Chief and I might not be a priest. Alls well that ends well.

Get After It

 He who does not work should not eat

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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Level Headed Louie

 Stay of in a state of grace and go fishing

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Monday, August 24, 2020

Don't Mess with Fr. Super Puncher

 You mess with the bull you get the whip

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Hey Buddy Bart

 I've got friends in high places...

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Wall Hanging

Parish life at St. John the Baptist is great. The people, the church, the staff, the area... are all wonderful. However, it has the old scho...