Sunday, September 13, 2020

Forgetful Forgiveness

 Our Father.... forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Home Sweet Home

On Friday, Sally Craig, whose late husband Dave and I were old rodeo buddies, invited me down to the family ranch near Douglas to roundup with her brother Joe and company. Not wanting to turn down a good time, Chief and I hit the trail.


Sally and Joe's parents, J.S. and Alyce Rankin, bought this ranch in 1946 and it has stayed in the family ever since.

When we saddled up at daybreak it was raining pretty good. Thought we were in for it, but the good Lord spared us. The moisture was sure a welcome site though.

As you can see, oil and gas production has blessed many local ranchers. Joe has a pretty savvy way of working with the energy producers as well as maintaining the integrity of the ranch land. His wife Karen and him keep the Wyoming legacy alive.  

It wasn't the warmest day. But Sally was prepared for whatever elements came her way.

This was a new part of the State for me. Northeast of Douglas

The ole girls were open to the prospects of going home. They still needed a prod or two here and there though.

Joe likes to keep it as western as possible. There's a place for four wheelers, but horseback keeps things calm and cool.

Gus McCrae would be proud

Coffee break along the way

It was about a twelve mile drive to the home place. That was plenty for daughter-in-law Nikki, Joe, Sally, and I. Our horses were just as glad so see the home fires burning.

But nobody was as happy to be home as Sally.

I love opportunities to hang with salt of the earth folks. Sally has a specially way of sharing her gifts with others. I've certainly been blessed by her generosity as well as have so many others. But the secret to her success is no secret, it is the fire of her Catholic faith.

Mary, Virgin and Mother

 Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!

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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Holiness of Life

 Calling and Leading Disciples of Jesus Christ into Holiness of Life

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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor of Love

 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be granted unto you.

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Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Church Needs More Cowboys

It should be a joy in a priest's life to baptize little children into the big family of God. Though I do enjoy this reality, it wasn't always fun until I started doing Wyoming Catholic Cowboy baptisms. The first one out of the gate was Denver Wayne Williams. Just so happened that his mother and I are second cousins, which made it all the more special. Here's how it went down.

This day was a long time coming, but well worth the wait.

Katie and I's grandmothers are sisters. I guess that makes Chase and I cousins-in-law.

So that makes our new ol' son 6th generation Wyoming. This board came off of his great x3 grandfather's homestead in Neiber WY, which was claimed in 1894. My parents now live on part of that land along with two of Mom's siblings. The brand is registered for the Diocese of Cheyenne. Always ride for the brand partner. 

Here's the rest of the crew

Chief and I have been looking forward to meeting Chancy Williams. I've been singing his songs all summer. Keep the good tunes rolling partner. The world needs more cowboys!

No better place for a cowboy baptism party then the new old shop on the ranch.

To top this Wyoming Catholic Cowboy experience off Chase gave me on loan a buckle he had won a couple rodeos back. That's no small gesture partner. I'll wear her with pride.

Well Denver, you're part of the herd now. It's time to cowboy up. Your family and God parents will show you how it's done. It's true, the world does need more cowboys. But more than that, the Church needs more cowboys. Let's show them how it's done.


Admonish the Sinner

 No one likes to but yet we're called to.

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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Little Ranch on the Prairie

Thursday afternoon Chief and I strolled out to the Geis family ranch southwest of Gillette on Hwy 50. I'd been looking forward to this visit because part of the Geis family settled in Worland and married into the Lungren family. Both our family's Wyoming roots go deep. 

Bobbi and I rode through the herd and got a solid lay of the land.

Each evening Maria hauls feed to her little flock on the prairie 

It takes a special kind of person to work with sheep. Good on ya Maria, that's a gift I don't have. Your patience will pay off.

To top the evening off the family, Dagen, Kevin, Bobbi, and Maria, treated me to my favorite ranch meal: meat and potatoes. 
Thanks for letting Chief and I hang out and see some new country. Your stewardship and faith is something this world could use more of. Keep it up. 

Eternal Perspective

 A watchman stands at a different perspective than many. His perspective is worth listening to.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Missionary Priest in North East Wyoming

It was the first Wednesday of the month so I jumped Chief in and headed for Hulett. The cows are content but we'll have to move them to the next pasture soon. As for the real flock, they're good. Even got a couple hitched today.

Cattle have to be the most efficient creature God made. They just sit around chewing and re-chewing their food until it's the most digestible that it can be. Unlike a horse...

The new girls and the old girls have mingled well

This is big Bertha. 1600# of pure steak. I'd like to butcher her first but think I better cut my teeth on one more manageable.

Watched the Red Devils sweat it out. Practice hard boys! I'd rather ride a horse.

Got ole White Horse back the other day. New tranny is smooth. Chief is just chillin at the library.

It was a super big treat for me to witness the marriage of this fine young couple. Many years of happiness to you Jim and Sharon. 

After all that hard work I stopped off at the Devil's Tower Gulch to pay my respects. God bless the rancher and the farmer and the Coors Brewing Company. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

That's Reasonable

Our ability to reason is spiritual. Don't waste it.

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Old School

My brother Luke picked up this 1975 beauty off the auction block. There's something about stock racks that take a guy back to the good o...