Saturday, October 3, 2020

Harvest Time

Well it's time to get this party started. If we want to get 11 cows butchered by Christmas we have to start now. Ole 24 was the first volunteer. She came out of my Uncle Vance's herd in Worland. The lazy 6 over 6 is our old family brand. She's been on grass in the Black Hills for two months. Sister, thank you for sacrificing your life to feed the world. May your reward be great in Heaven. 

Probably weighing in at 1350lbs. She is/was a 2 1/2 year old open heifer 

The great white hunt. Some people say you can't knock a cow down with a 22. I disagree. You just have to take the safety off.

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Dad and I weren't tough enough to gut her by hand. Thank God for mechanical muscle. 

I love cattle.

Of course, I couldn't have done this without my trusty sidekick. I'm sure the next ten will go even more smoother.

Hey Fr. Bryce, what you gonna do with all that meat? Don't you have a day job? 

To the latter, yes. This enhances it. To the former, It's for all to enjoy. Wyoming just made an amendment to the Food Freedom Act, which now allows a producer to cut and distribute his own beef for a profit. To do so you have to become one of the Brothers. Interested in joining the Lungren Brothers Cattle Company enterprise? Let me know.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Little Way

 St. Therese, Pray for us!

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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Holy Archangels... Pray for Us

 Man is neither angel nor brute... he is both. - St. Edith Stein 

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Monday, September 28, 2020

Lord Teach us to Pray #3 Consolation vs. Desolation

 Turns out God actually wants us to remain in consolation. 

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Through Envy of the Devil, Death Entered the World

 Childlikeness is the way out of envy and jealousy.

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Here I am Lord, I Come to do Your Will

 Doing the Father's will ain't always easy, but it sure is beautiful.

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Saturday, September 26, 2020

On the Road Again

Dad and I were getting kind of bored so we called up Jack Kuhbacher to see if we could borrow his truck. There was a reefer up in Great Falls MT that we needed to bring home to add to our Cattle Company collection. Being the good Wyoming Catholic Cowboy he is, Jack threw us the keys and gave us his blessing. Thanks partner, may your reward be great in Heaven.

Jack and I after he gave me a run through of the shifting pattern on Black Bart

Dad and I arrived in Great Falls Thursday afternoon with enough time to put this reefer trailer together and hook her up. The hard part was over, now we just had to cruse on home.

We stayed with my ole buddy Tony Rausch. Here we stand in front of his Catholic radio station tower. We spent many a Saturday mornings working on it together.

After a pitstop in Billings, Dad was reenergized enough to copilot us on the final leg on the journey.

Mission accomplished. The double compressor electric reefer trailer is now resting in Gillette looking for someone to turn it into a cooler/cutting room/freezer combination. Know of anybody?

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Will the Silent Majority Please Stand Up

 There is hope in the Pro-life movement. We just need to show our true colors.

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Lord Teach us to Pray #2

 Once we've left prayer we don't leave the heart. Now it's time to discern. I also have a study guide with the Rules attached to it but I currently don't know how to post it.

Click on web version if you have trouble.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Follow Your Conscience

 Yes follow your conscience, but first form it.

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Monday, September 21, 2020

Jesus was a Good Ole Boy

 Follow me! And Matthew left everything and followed Jesus.

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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Intentional Intentionality

Age quod agis - do what you do!

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Wall Hanging

Parish life at St. John the Baptist is great. The people, the church, the staff, the area... are all wonderful. However, it has the old scho...