Monday, November 16, 2020


 The Bible is a library with many different books and genre's of literature. Read the book of Revelations, but do so in it's proper context. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A Family Affair

Wyoming Catholic Cowboys come in all shapes and sizes. In fact some don't even work cows, they work buffalo. My good buddy John Flocchini invited me down to Wright to help in the annual working of their 3,000 head buffalo operation. My hat's off to you boys, well done. 

The Durham name was original purchased by John's grandfather when he bought a meat packing plant in San Francisco in the 1930's. In 1965 the family ventured out into the buffalo business when they purchased the 55,000 acre ranch near Wright Wyoming. 

The legacy lives on. Here are three living generations: Bud, John's dad - Erin, John's daughter & John

The operation is farm to fork. Many of the yearlings are kept on the place and fed up before being shipped to slaughter houses and then to the family packing plant, now located in Reno. From there the meat is shipped fresh to restaurants all around the United States. 

It took years of refining but these boys have handling buffalo down Pat. The current working facility is fully hydraulic. You don't want to be having a standoff with one of these critters. You will loose. 

From the chute, Pat can control which direction the cows go next. Today they were weening, preg-checking, and separating. 

BJ's plays the fiddle in the cube. From here he can orchestrate who goes where before they even get to the chute. 

I ain't scared of no buffalo. 

The Durham Ranch are stewards in the truest sense. They create an environment where everybody is happy: the land, the animals, the family, and even the consumer. This is what Pope Francis would call an Integral Ecology. Keep up the good work boys (and girls). You make America and the Church proud.

Don't Take it Forgranted

 Sometime's it takes a foreigner to let the natives understand what they have.

Unity vs. Conformity

 Authentic unity is centered around truth. Conformity is centered around an ideology.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

God Bless America

Nothing brings me hope like a Wyoming sun rise. I ran back home to Worland yesterday to vote and visit the folks. The Big Horn Basin gives me life. My roots run deep here. I know that our land is founded on goodness, truth, and beauty and today I am full of hope that those virtues will prevail! 

This is taken from the bench that resides on our family cemetery in honor of my grandma and grandpa Schmeltzer. Saints of God, pray for us!

If you want to see an image of my father on wheels, just look at his 4010. Dad's dad bought this tractor new in the early 60's. Dad eventually inherited it after she'd run no more. But being an old JD hand, Dad got her back up and going and she is now a mainstay on the farm. The 4010 revolutionized John Deere's fleet. They embody American ingenuity and integrity. Ready to work and can stand the test of time.

There's more than one way to skin a cat. My cow's need hay and you can't beat homegrown alfalfa off of the ole homestead. Thanks Uncle Chris. 

This is the original site of my great-great-grandfather Neiber's homestead and stage stop. My Uncle Phil and Aunt Rhonda Schmeltzer live there now. Mom and Dad live on the hill in the back ground.

I couldn't help but top off my load.

This shrine sits on our home place over looking US Hwy 20 and WY Hwys 431 and 432. We call her Our Lady of the Intersection. We are at an intersection today. Will America turn left or right. Now's the time to step it up boys. Let's help her turn right. Let's storm Heaven. This moment we are in right now is an act of God's Mercy. He will help us if we turn to Him. Truth, goodness, and beauty will prevail if we want them to. It's time to cowboy up. America need's our prayers. The surest way to Jesus and His Mercy is through Mary our mother. Pull out those Rosary beads and lets get to work!

Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.