Friday, January 8, 2021

Just for the Dale of It

Kurt called the other day and said he had found an ambulance in Rapid that he wanted to buy. Being the proud owner of a school bus, I knew this was something I wanted to be part of. So hit the trail we did, and what a gem we found.

I think the smile says it all.
97 Power Stroke

Some might ask what is he going to do with it. I think the proper question to ask is, what is he not going to do with it. Whatever it becomes, there's one thing you can count on, it'll be cool.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Just Another Day in Paradise

One of the perks of the priesthood is pastoral visits. Those are all the more exciting when they lead you into the mountains. This time it was northeast of Hulett in Black Hills. So like any Wyoming Catholic Cowboy priest would do, I flew in.

Dad and I went halves on a drone. It's the coolest piece of technology I've ever seen.

Sue and John Raney are getting this place set up piece by piece. Currently they are living in the shouse on the right and the foundation for the new home is on the left.

The pics from this drone are outstanding

After the big ranch tour we settled down for some LB steak and Bush's beans

Being cajans, they treated this ol cowboy with some southern hospitality 

Beef, crab legs, beans still in the can, and shop towels for napkins, now this is my kind of feast. 

Thanks Sue and John for sharing with me some of the gifts God has given you. 

All You Need Is Love

 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also must love one another.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Showdown at the - d Corral

Flocchini had been talking smack about my grass fattened beef, so it was time to throw down: Texas Wagyu vs. Wyoming grass fattened. 

So we gathered the boys for judging: Kelly Hand and Seth Hostetler
John and I provided the meat while Kelly and Seth brought the bs.

John's outfit sells Wagyu beef as well as their Bison 

We, on the other hand, stick to the bovine 

Wagyu on top and WGF below 

Our beef is a solid 1 1/4" thick while John's is 1"
Wagyu's fat has the consistency of butter and melts quick on the grill

I think John gave special attention to the cross hatching on his beef

To play it safe, we blind folded the boys

The criteria was simple: Taste, Tender, & Texture 

Well I don't mind admitting defeat. John has a good steak. Well done ol' son. At least I got one plug for tenderness. Thanks Seth. 

Let the fun begin. So we threw the rest of the meat on grill. John likes to cook on high.

Wagyu, Bison, WGF

A good time had by all. Thanks boys for a fun evening on the feast of the Epiphany. Praised be Jesus Christ. 


Father, I Desire to do Your Will...

 ... your desire is My will.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Mary the Mother of God Adoration Chapel

 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is like incubating with Jesus.

Summer 2020 Limited Edition

2020 was a bronc. Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all say that we learned how to buck. First thing, never worry about the fall. Keep your mind in the middle, lift, and spur like Dale. Most importantly, if you get bucked off, get back on again. On to the next one... 2021 here we come! 

Click here if the image of a cool cowboy doesn't appear 

Friday, January 1, 2021

Old School

My brother Luke picked up this 1975 beauty off the auction block. There's something about stock racks that take a guy back to the good o...