Saturday, August 7, 2021

Heavy Ranchin

With the cows getting fat and the grass getting thin, it was time to pull the girls off the Raney Ranch. Working yearlings is no easy task, so I called my boys Greg and Zeke and brought in a couple of hands from EWTN.

Wyoming Catholic Cowboy Posse: Fr. Mitch Pacwa S.J., Zeke Zebroski, Ray King, FB, & Greg Hampson.

It's best to let your horse choose you. Chief walked straight up to Fr. Mitch. They couldn't have made a better pair.

Greg brought up ol' Skid for Ray. They always seemed to be in the right place at the right time.

Knowing Fr. Mitch is a historian I wanted to show him this wall with ancient hieroglyphics dating back to 1975 A.D. I couldn't tell if he was impressed or not.

After the site seeing was over we went looking for cows. The terrain was far from friendly, steep hills with trees and rim rocks skirting every ridge top.

It took a bit, but Fr. Mitch was the first to see black. Getting them off the mountain and into the corral was another story.

Alls well that ends well. Special thanks to John and Sue Raney. Without their generosity, none of this would be possible. Sue, you bring a calming presence to the ranching world. John, what can I say... you have no quit.

We pulled the whole herd off of Raney's, taking four home and these three girls up to Ortner's. Ray and Fr. Mitch got to do the honors.

I like a challenge, but pulling seven heifers out of 50 yearlings on hot day in the mountains definitely tested my perseverance. Without a doubt, it couldn't have been done without our band of brothers. Each one brought their own set of skills, and each one complimented what the other was lacking. But the one thing shared by all was our Catholic faith. God's grace accomplished this mission, but it would have been wasted if we didn't do our part and saddle up. All things are possible with God. Thanks boys.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Hot Shoe

Mollie needed shod and I thought a professional job out the gate would suit her best. So I called around asking who guys recommended and they all gave me the same name, Voy Cox.

A native of Moorcroft, Voy is a veteran at shoeing, in particular hot shoeing.

Hot shoeing is more than warming up the shoe in order to shape it. It's main purpose is to mate the shoe to the hoof.

Once the hoof is trimmed and rasped, the hot shoe is seared to the hoof making a custom fit. At the same time the heat creates a callus around the inner sole of the hoof, which would be tender after trimming otherwise.

After that, it's pretty much business as usual: 4 nails to a side, clinch, and a final file.

Looking good Mom. Thanks Voy.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Wyoming Catholic Priest

July 23rd marked the one year anniversary of Fr. Carl Beavers' death. To commemorate the day, we set him a Wyoming Catholic Priest head stone. 

Once we discovered how long it takes to get a traditional grave stone cut, we started to think outside the box.

Greg Hampson and I took on the challenge. Why don't we just build him something, we thought.

The only thing I know how to work with is 2 7/8", while Greg turned to some railroad plate for the plaque.

Father's sister Jeanette and her son Matt came for the anniversary. While there they asked if I knew how to have Mass intentions said that Fr. Beavers was unable to fulfill. Just wanting to help out I said I would take care of them. Little did I know the impact that would have on me. Being his successor is big shoes to fill. 


One of the perks of the priesthood is jumping-in on random adventures with other Catholic Cowboys. This time it is with my buddy Dante Dawso...