Friday, October 22, 2021

Tom Sawyer

Sometimes I think the Lord orchestrates natural disasters just so Dad and I can have fun. Like this dead tree that fell across West Tensleep Creek up at the cabin. What better way to spend the feast of Pope St. John Paul II than in the mountains playing in the water.

She fell within the past few weeks. Nature can take care of herself, but we thought we better get it out of there before the spring runoff turned the cabin into an island.

She would have looked just like this ole girl. About a 100 footer. 

So we chained up White Horse and strung out as much chain and cable as we could.

The first 1/3 was already broke and came right out.

But the last section had to be cut in half and took a little more encouragement.

No match for these mountain sawyers though.

There's two ways of looking at life, through your good eye or your bad eye. I choose the former. Nothing can happen outside of God's will. That doesn't mean everything is easy. But any disaster can become good if we turn to Him in faith and trust. Experience has taught me that every obstacle is an opportunity. An opportunity for God to bring good out of evil and even make life fun. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Pitchfork Ranch

I was telling Dad the other day that I think I've regressed in my feeding technologies. I went from little square bales to a pitchfork. 

Believe it or not, I've spent many hours behind a pitchfork; cleaning pens, strawing beds, and feeding hay. A pitchfork is standard equipment on any ranch. Guys that get good at them can switch hands so they don't wear out their backs. This also allows them to work next to each other in the same truck. Before balers came along, a pitchfork is the only way hay got put up and fed.

I'm not a purist though, I use mechanized muscle when I can. 

The girls don't care how it gets to them as long as it's in front of them. We're now on the down hill slope, only five to go before the first of the year. Then we can go snowmobiling! 

Zoom Out

Patience is more attainable if we think less about immediate results.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Father Jacob

Jake and I had been planning an October hangout since June. To welcome his arrival from Kansas, our Lord blessed us with a fresh blanket of snow. What a gift. Not what were expecting, but we wouldn't have had it any other way. 

Fr. Jacob and I go way back to seminary in Denver. In fact, I still remember the first time I met him. You might say he has an impressionable personality. About the only person I can think to compare him to is Matt Dillion. Both hail from Dodge City. And both are a force to be reckoned with. Both seek true justice and both know how to work hard and have fun. I appreciated Jake's friendship and encouragement in school. There was no storm he wouldn't endure to help a guy out. Guess some things never change.

He's no stranger to a butcher shop so we spent quite a bit of time at the trailer trading stories. You can tell a lot about a man by how sharp his knives are. Fr. Jacob's are never dull to say the least.

Part of our mission was to process a cow we hung up for him. In no time we had her steaked out and burgered.

With a little extra time on our hands we decided to go frolic in the snow. We had gotten hit with quite a shot, so we thought it might be a good time to get the cows out of the Black Hills. Getting up the hill to Joe's place is a ride Jake will probably never forget. I was impressed White Horse broke trail as good as she did. Once on the hill though, she took a set of tire chains to get backed up to the chute. After that, the three girls walked right in and we brought them home.

While we were at it, we thought we'd trade some slaughtering tips as well.

After so much fun, a cheers was in store. Thanks for popping the top on this new lucky 7s. Just Ledoux It partner.

Wear that hat with pride Jake. You inspired me back then and you continue to do so today. Few people can weather a storm with a smile the way you do. Keep it up. The Church could use a few more cowboys like Father Jacob Schneider.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

All In

Is there anything that prevents us from following Jesus with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength? If so, it's time to call Big Iron.

Wall Hanging

Parish life at St. John the Baptist is great. The people, the church, the staff, the area... are all wonderful. However, it has the old scho...