Saturday, November 13, 2021

Sale Day

These days farm auctions have mostly gone online. In my experience, it's rare anymore to get to wander around a sale, mingle with good folks, and hopefully stumble upon a good deal. With guys turning to the internet to sell equipment, the whole world now get's to weigh in. Finding a bargain, therefore, is rare. Well thanks be to God, Shane and I decided to show up to the Hayden Livestock sale today. We both walked away with smiles. 

When I was a kid I can remember going to auctions with Grandpa. All I recall is that they were long and cold. Usually they were in the early spring, and for us kids, there was nothing to do. As we got older I can remember running the circuit of farm sales with my buddies. The first time I ever bought anything though was after high school. I was bidding on a drill press and was so nervous that I bid myself up!

Now there's a proud new owner. Shane was the only one to bid on this 1998 beauty. I think it was meant to be. Well done brother. Let the good times roll.

This was one of the main attractions. A JD 4030, probably a mid 70's model. I've been around this series of tractor plenty and could see it was in exceptional shape for it's age. The cab is after market, which was not uncommon on tractors back then. The loader is sweet and the hours are low.

In today's market, especially in the online world, it would be well out of our price range. But with a live auction and a windy day, I thought we might have a chance.

Turns out we were right.

Thanks be to God for a fun and successful day. Good things come to those who wait I guess. Standing around outside on a chilly November day isn't necessarily my idea of a good time, but it paid off for both of us. It is so good to visit with people too. Most guys I chatted with I didn't even know their name. But in agriculture we are all neighbors. Now it's time to get to work. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.