Friday, December 10, 2021

Spring Fever

It's never too early to be talking about spring. Dad and I had tied up some continuous fence panels in Buffalo and Friday was the day to haul them home. Why not a little white fluff to add to the fun.  

Even though she's got 235k miles on her, White Horse doesn't quit. She was rarin' to go bright and early after we celebrated Mass. 

Bolinger Inc. in Buffalo supplied us with the 62 20' 5 bar panels. We were able to pick them up before the price of steel doubled. 

Kim Bolinger did an excellent job loading us up. I had full confidence that this load wasn't going anywhere. I look forward to doing business with them again. 

Someone suggested that I go around through Casper than over the mountain. I would rather brave Powder River Pass than the 100 mile stretch between Casper and Shoshoni. On a snowy day the ground blizzard over there is treacherous. The boys on the mountain, however, do an excellent job of keeping the pass open. White Horse did great. No power house, but slow and steady. 1st gear up and 1st gear down. 

I always love dropping off of Rattlesnake Ridge into the Big Horn Basin. This is home. 

Dad had his tractor fired up when I got there. You can't beat the blue skies of Worland. 

Pure potential. 62 panels of continuous fence and 68 joints of 2 7/8" tubing. God has been good to us. I can't wait till spring. 

After Mom fixed me up with some chilly we were on the road again. Smooth sailing back to Campbell County. Arrived just in time to see the Wright brothers take off. AMDG

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Feast Day

I love the feast days of the Church. Today we celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. No fasting here. It was all-out celebration. Of course the biggest party was the Mass. Outside of that, I think we were able to sufficiently signify the day.

No better way to start off a solemnity than with a Maverik Bonfire Burrito. Along with a cup of Bodacious Bean coffee and an OJ, the trip to Moorcroft for a sunrise Mass was delightful. 

Afterwards, Chad and I thought we'd keep the fun alive with a caramel roll from Donna's drive in. 

After a midmorning school Mass and a break for lunch, I booked it down to Wright for the granddaddy of them all. My right-Hand man and I scored a 94.5 ride from the judges in the pews.

No sense in letting the evening go to waste. The crew and I enjoyed a fine meal at the Open Range Steakhouse afterwards.

St. Teresa of Avila once said, When I fast I fast. When I partridge I partridge. In her day, evidently partridge was the steak of choice. Today, the menu may have changed, but the reasons for celebrating the triumphs of our faith haven't. The grace Mary received at her conception from the merits of Jesus Christ on the Cross is worth throwing a party for. After all, it's how the devil is defeated. No fear here. In her arms, life is a celebration. 



 In Mary's arms the devil can't reach us.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Winter Wonderland

Dad was saying yesterday how much he was able to get done outside. I told him I hope we get some moisture soon. Careful what you ask for.

The roads were pretty clear when I left Gillette at 6:00 this morning heading for Hulett. But about 10 miles outside of Moorcroft it turned it on. I like a good challenge, but visibility for a while there was pretty tough. It really drove home John the Baptist Sunday with a light shining in the darkness. 

On my way to celebrate Mass in Wright this afternoon, I swung by to feed all the critters. With good hay and a winter coat the horses will be fine. 

Cows are even tougher. With that black hide and the amount of fat they have under it, I've never seen weather so cold they couldn't handle. Like the horses, they have access to feed 24/7. 

What these pictures don't show is the wind. Every snow storm I've seen in CC comes in sideways. It was a full on ground blizzard heading south.

The smell of LB beef in the roaster was sure welcoming when we were able to finally call it a day.

I love it. I hardly need an excuse to go frolic in the snow anyway. But to feed the People of God and the horses and cows He's entrusted me with... Just try to stop me.  

Soul Searching

Let the light of Christ take you to the deeper recesses of your heart this Advent.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Out on the Town

Who says Campbell County doesn't have culture? Saturday evening Doug and Daniela Gerard invited Sr. Carol and I out for a pre-Christmas dinner party. A good time was had by all.

I knew we were in for something special so I broke out my Carmelite coat. 

Every year the Gillette Chamber Singers put on a few day show at the Prime Rib. It was hard to tell what was better, the choir or the food. Both were excellent. 

They basically roamed around the rooms singing Christmas carols while we dined. 

My two favorite songs from among the ones I'd never hear before were Joseph had a Bundle of Straw and I want to Stare at my Phone with You.

But the Buffalo ribs and all the rest of the entrees were pdg too.

I've really enjoyed getting to know Doug and Daniela. We've had some great conversations over some good food. It's nice to be in an environment outside of Church that still keeps Christ in Christmas. Campbell County knows were their blessings come from and they aren't afraid to sing about it. 


Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.