Friday, April 29, 2022

Sr. Monica

Sister Monica Suhayda, CSJ and I go way back. As a young deacon I found myself at St. Stephens Mission on the Wind River Indian Reservation. Not sure she knew what to think about this cowboy in clerics, but over time we have become good friends.

Sr. Monica joined the Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden PA in 1946. As an adventurous nun, she came out to St. Stephens in 1974 and has been working among the Native Americans ever since. 

In my three years on the Mission, Sister's most common comment to me was, "What are you doing!!??"

We sure had some fun in the sun. 

Taking strolls around the park with Chief. 

Sr. Monica has always been up for anything. 

Her favorite place to visit in this area is Sinks Canyon. Which makes sense beings she styles herself as having a creation centered spirituality. 

Today was her birthday, so I bought her lunch.

There's some people who's friendship is for life. Sr. Monica is one of those for me. How we get along, I'm not sure. Probably because neither one of us take life too seriously. She has the attitude of Christ. Which allows her to serve people unreservedly, while still remaining a child of God. You continue to be an inspiration Sister. Keep up the Good work.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

God is Good

Today we picked up two nice black heifers from Peg and Lee Isenberger. Just so happen Blessed Sacrament in Wright was a good swapping point. Might as well celebrate Mass while we’re at it. 

Lee and Peg generously donated one of the cows to our cause, and the biggest of the two on top of that. That cow weighed in at 1140lbs. What makes this significant is that last month I sold the old John Deere. Trying to be a good steward, I like to tithe. The check I received for the tractor was $11,400. The check I cut to some charities just this morning, prior to our meeting up, at 10% of that was $1140. And on average, I buy cows at a buck a pound. Coincidence? I don’t think so. God can’t be out done in generosity. 


 Let the light of truth dispel the darkness of error.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Spring Storm

Every snow storm I've seen come into this country comes in sideways. It was no different on Saturday. We've been praying for moisture, so we can't complain in which form it comes. This spring storm pretty much shut the town down for the weekend.

Fortunately we're prepared for any weather condition.

The drifts just kept piling up. That was really the biggest obstacle to normal operations. 

Sunday morning had all roads out of Gillette closed. Which grounded me from my normal mission circuit. 

I was, however, able to get out and check on things in the afternoon. Neighbors banded together in digging each other out.

The horses managed pretty well.

Got a little western getting down to the cows though. 

Thier only beef was that they wanted hay. Thanks be to God for windbreaks. They are essential in this country.

Back in business. 

Spring storms can be wild in Campbell County. Ones like this are not uncommon. Anyone who was around remembers the spring storm of 1984. We are all super grateful for the moisture. I'm guessing about 10-12" of snow on the flats and around 1.25" of moisture overall. Hopefully, any calf and lamb casualties we're minimal. Think from here on out will be more specific in our prayer. Lord, please send RAIN. 

Friday, April 22, 2022

Mixed Herd

This year’s herd is coming together quite nicely. Not like your typical all black herd though. More like an old school mixed herd. Heck, maybe we should breed them.

I had a buddy bid on some from the sales ring. There we gained another little Hereford, two reds, and two blacks. Then we picked up two more blacks from my brother. 

Luke’s hand Ernesto helped me load. 7 cows was a pretty good haul for White Horse. 1st up, 1st down. 

One big happy family. 

It’ll be fun to see how these girls fill out. They’re all light, so there’s weight to be gained. Thank God it’s raining! On to the next one…

Thursday, April 21, 2022


Springtime in the Big Horn Basin is heavy farming season. And it is no different on the Gooseberry. After moving our pivot sprinkler, one corner that it already missed turned in to about two acres. So decided to plant it with some horse hay.

Many farmers would like to keep the plow out of the ground because of the work it takes to follow them up. But they still do have their place. 

Before we got going this spring, Dad put new shares on the 4 bottom. 

Luke also hauled over some finely fluffed fertilizer. 

Pretty sandy on our place, but our little corner tilled up real nice. 

We even drug a leveler around to make for a nice seed bed. 

Grass/alfalfa is the combination of choice. We mixed it 50/50. Beings everything is under irrigation, the right kind of grass that will regrow for three cuttings is necessary. Orchard grass should fit the bill. 

Uncle Chris let us borrow his drill. 

You know your really a rancher playing farmer when you sow your seed with a farmhand. 

After we drizzled the seed on the ground, we ran around and covered it lightly with a roller harrow. 

Bring it.

We pushed through to get the crop in in time for a storm that's coming through. Hopefully that'll get it started. Next up is getting water to the corner. Where there's a will there's a way. Irrigating is essential in this area, and thank God for it. Man was created to till the soil. And oh how good it feels to do so. 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Fr. Javier

One beauty of Catholicism is discovering members of the family I never knew I had. Fr. Javier joined us in Gillette for Holy Week. He was here to help out with the Spanish speaking community so I thought I'd show him a bit of the Catholic Cowboy Way while we were at it.

Originally from Colombia, Fr. Javier Muñoz is a priest for the Archdiocese of Atlanta Georgia. Not too different from Campbell County. 

In the middle of our spring winter storm I took him up to meet Mollie and Chief. It was love at first sight.  

Throughout the week I taught him the joys of feeding the herd...

Introduced him to the goodness of Maverik Bonfire burritos...

And got him in the middle of Chief. 

After all our fun adventures, we settled down for a Buffalo Burger at Pokey's restaurant. 

In return, he treated me to the movie Father Stu. 

Happy Easter brother.

God puts amazing people in my life, and Fr. Javier is no exception. A cowboy can smell inauthenticity a mile away, and I'm here to tell you that in Fr. Javier there is no duplicity. He is a Catholic priest. And now I also consider him a friend. Keep up the Good work, partner. I know our paths with cross again, though only God knows when. Peace. 

Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.