Sunday, May 8, 2022

Cowboy Ride

Saturday was the kickoff to the branding season. I hate setting the bar so high right out the gate, but that's life. Paul and Seamus Casey invited me up to the Marchant Ranch outside of Aladdin to ride and wrestle. Super fun. Could have done without getting up at 3am though.

Seamus stole the show with his calf whispering skills.

Here must be why they call this area Oak Creek. Scrub oaks are hard to ride through. Pretty common in NE WY. 

Pretty typical round up. Nothing too exciting except for loosing my phone on the prairie. Thanks St. Anthony. 

Hitching post. 

Cody was ready to rope. He put on a good clinic. 

Wrestling calves is more about finesse than brute strength. 

Paul in an acrobatic brander. He can get right down on a calf's level if need be. 

There's just no pretty way to castrate a calf. 

Three amigos

Just Ranchin  

Seamus leaves for the Air Force Academy in a month or so. We'll miss him, but a man's got to follow his heart. Just don't forget where you came from ol' son. Sit tall in the saddle and hold your head up high. God speed. 


Holy Communion

... is Heaven even now!

Friday, May 6, 2022

Cattle Drive

2022 Cattle Company day finally came. And the only way to get the girls to their summer home was a cattle drive. For big occasions such as this one should not attempt to ranch alone. So my trusty sidekick Kurt gladly lent a hand.

There's few men I'd could even think to call other than Kurt Mentele. He's always willing to help and keeps a light heart. My kind of guy.

I think overall the girls were excited to get new brands and head to the Hills. 

Kurt did most of the branding.

Though I did get to brand my Herefords. 

On them we used Dad's Reverse L Drawknife. Sure turned out nice.

Now that's a good looking herd. Eleven total this year. 

Then we jumped eight into the trailer and headed for the Raney Ranch in the Black Hills. 

I had the horses stashed in John's corrals on a previous trip. The girls lined out real nice as we trailed them to the north pasture. 

I'd like to say it was a boring drive, but they did have to break right and test our cowboy skills. We won. 

A cool down was definitely in order. 

For the horses and for us. 

If you want to peak my interest, just mention a cattle drive. Music to my ears. I love ranchin, and I'm so thankful John and Sue Raney let us run on their place. The cows love their grass and we love their company. Thanks crew for a good day and a successful drive. We're on to the next one...

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Rope Ready

My favorite season is soon upon us, branding. But there is little room for green cowboys or green horses in the pen. A man and his horse need to be conditioned and ready to go when they cross that gate into the calves with lariat in hand. Chief is old hat. Mollie has yet to have a rope swung off of her. So it was time the two met.

Mollie wintered well. Probably gaining a good 300lbs over the last year. She has brawn. To add to the cool factor as well as keep my saddle in the middle, we added a pulling collar to her riggin. Thanks Paul.

She had seen a rope in front of her during our ground work lessons. But I want her to have as much exposure to rope entanglement now in a safe space, so that in the branding pen when the rope runs up under her tail with a calf on the end of it, Fr. Bryce doesn't bite the dust. 

Once she was good with that, I started to swing the rope from the saddle. The next step is dragging something. I like to start pulling from the front and backing up so the horse can see from what comes the resistance and noise. Makes it all less scary for them. 

This makes the transitions to pulling from the rear a breeze. I think first impressions make a lasting mark in a horse's mind. Doing all of this in the practice pen of the round corral makes for a good experience now. Then when you add the craziness of the branding pen, it won't be as dramatic. 

Mollie is now ready, but we'll see about me. I rope like I bowl, the first one is always a strike. After that is usually down hill. 

I live for May. Branding is my favorite sport. We have our first gig this weekend in Aladdin. This'll be new territory for us. Whether we rope or not, I guarantee we'll have fun. On to the next one..

Show Me the Father

In Jesus we see the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Sr. Monica

Sister Monica Suhayda, CSJ and I go way back. As a young deacon I found myself at St. Stephens Mission on the Wind River Indian Reservation. Not sure she knew what to think about this cowboy in clerics, but over time we have become good friends.

Sr. Monica joined the Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden PA in 1946. As an adventurous nun, she came out to St. Stephens in 1974 and has been working among the Native Americans ever since. 

In my three years on the Mission, Sister's most common comment to me was, "What are you doing!!??"

We sure had some fun in the sun. 

Taking strolls around the park with Chief. 

Sr. Monica has always been up for anything. 

Her favorite place to visit in this area is Sinks Canyon. Which makes sense beings she styles herself as having a creation centered spirituality. 

Today was her birthday, so I bought her lunch.

There's some people who's friendship is for life. Sr. Monica is one of those for me. How we get along, I'm not sure. Probably because neither one of us take life too seriously. She has the attitude of Christ. Which allows her to serve people unreservedly, while still remaining a child of God. You continue to be an inspiration Sister. Keep up the Good work.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

God is Good

Today we picked up two nice black heifers from Peg and Lee Isenberger. Just so happen Blessed Sacrament in Wright was a good swapping point. Might as well celebrate Mass while we’re at it. 

Lee and Peg generously donated one of the cows to our cause, and the biggest of the two on top of that. That cow weighed in at 1140lbs. What makes this significant is that last month I sold the old John Deere. Trying to be a good steward, I like to tithe. The check I received for the tractor was $11,400. The check I cut to some charities just this morning, prior to our meeting up, at 10% of that was $1140. And on average, I buy cows at a buck a pound. Coincidence? I don’t think so. God can’t be out done in generosity. 

Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.