Tuesday, May 24, 2022


God has sure been blessing us with rain. Everybody loves it even the horses. They've been on dry feed for the last 6 months. Today they got to go to pasture. 

Mike and Nancy Fulton have generously offered us their 3 acres for the last 3 years. The kids love it. We'll keep them here for the next month or two. It works great because it is close to home and they have a corral I can trap them in when they don't want to be caught and go to work.


Faith is openness. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022


I've never been much of a spur guy. I know they look cool, but they've usually gotten me in more trouble than they've done me good. Now, having a fuller knowledge of how they are to be used, it was time to introduces them to the horses.

These aren't your average spurs. Fr. Carl Beavers gave them to me just before he died. They are Kelly Bros spurs and are probably about 100 years old. They fit perfect on my boots, and boy do they sound good when I walk down the hall of the office. 

The purpose of the spur is not to stab the horse, but to make your intentions known. The main need I have for them is to steer the horse with my legs. We'll call this point 3, behind the back cinch. When pressure is applied here, the horse unhitches his hind quarters and moves away from the pressure. 

The center of the horse is point 2. Here's where you get your side pass. Pressure on one side and they'll shift all fours in the opposite direction. Pressure on point 2 from both sides and we're going forward. 

Point one is in the front just behind his legs. Here tells the horse to cross over his front legs, making a quick side step. If you put pressure on R1 and L3 you'll get a super quick counter-clockwise turn. 

Steering your horse with your legs is handy especially in the branding pen when your hands are pretty full.  It's fun to teach the horses new things, but I'm probably the one who learns the most. The more I learn about the horsemanship the more I realize how much I don't know. It's all attainable, though, with a little patience and perseverance. Giddy up. 



We know we are in communion with Christ when we are in communion with His Church.


Thursday, May 12, 2022

Ranchin in the Rain

Beings I had a wedding in Hulett today, I thought I'd drop off the last few cows while I was at it. A win win in my book.

The Lord has been blessing us with abundant rain. I'm so thankful. It's incredibly beautiful and it's fun to play in the mud.

The girls will be happy. We'll call Joe's place the Hereford Ranch this year.

Just Ranchin 

It's hard to describe all the goodness of my day. Witnessing a wedding, baptizing a couple kids, celebrating two Masses, visiting good old ranch folks, attending the Catholic school concert and going to dinner with my buddy Paul's family, as well as delivering the cows... that's just fun. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


It’s hard to grow a weed around Worland without irrigation. Three weeks ago we had put hay seed in the ground and it was time to get water to it. What made it a challenge is we hadn't irrigated this corner since we put the pivot in almost 20 years ago. Let's just say this was one giant leap for man, even though it was a small step on the ranch. 

Getting water to the corner was the biggest obstacle. Everything on our little place is pumped, so the challenge lied more in finding the most economical way to pipe it there. Rob in Buffalo came through with 1200' of 6" aluminum pipe as well all the fittings necessary. Super helpful. Thanks man.

We had all the 4" sprinkle pipe. But in order to get the runs we needed we had to cut the ends off of 5 joints.

The 6" hydrants also needed a little doctoring so our openers would fit on them. 

Laying the 6" pipe out was definitely a two man job.

But the 4" was a three man job. Mom drove the ranch truck. 

Simple as that.

Actually words and pictures don't do this project much justice. For years we've been wanting to plant this corner. Watering it was always the challenge. Well, challenge met and challenge conquered. I'm sure there'll be some bugs here and there to work out. But the good news is that the grass and alfalfa seed has already germinated and begun to grow. Hopefully we can nurse it along till it gets established and then start to hay. it. Good irrigation can make a farmer out of anybody. 

Prayer and Fasting

Fasting is necessary throughout the whole year.

Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.            https://youtu.be/QuOiUs0dDy4