Sunday, October 16, 2022

Pray Always

Let's be intentional about petitioning God.

Mystery Tools Revealed

Old timers were pretty innovative for their day. In our time we look back at their work and wonder what the heck that was used for. Take a peek at these contraptions and see if you can identify their purpose. All of them are hanging on the wall of the Gulch Bar and Grill at Devil's Tower.

This is what’s called a calf weaning ring. If you wanted to self-wean a calf from it's mother, put this bad boy in its nose. Mom will gladly kick son or daughter in the head when it bumps her utter to let down her milk. Eventually after getting kicked enough the calf gets the hint and they go their separate ways. A less medieval version of the same tool is still used today, usually on dairies. I think they're made of plastic. Modern cattle aren't as tough as they used to be. 

This guy was the ultimate coyote killer. Stab it into the ground, tie a piece of meat onto the hook, and wait for a hungry predator to come by. The main body of this contraption held a .22 round, which would be discharged out of the barrel protruding the right side as soon as the victim tugged on the meat. I suppose one or two curious ranchers who came upon a live trap outlawed these devises. 

This is a wheelwright's traveler. Wagon wheel makers would run this along the inside of the rim to find the circumfrance of the wheel. Then they could made the felloes and other wooden parts. I suppose there would be some mark the wheel of this tool that would allow you to count the revolutions as you went around. 

Now you know. And knowing is half the battle. 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Cowboy Josh

Josh Meier and I go way back to seminary. My first two years in Denver we lived right next to each other. Though God has led us on different paths, our friendship has remained. Needing to get out of big city Colorado, he ventured up to Wyoming to hang with his old buddy for the weekend. Might as well give him the full experience of Catholic Cowboy life. 

After Friday morning Mass and breakfast at Lula Belles our first task was to move the horses to Joann's till the water starts to freeze. Chief loves it out here. 

Since I had some extra help thought we'd move a little hay. 

The main mission was to move the cows at Joe's. Finding them was tricky, but proved easy compared to loading them. We were only gonna bring the blacks home but after a broken corral board or two we figured we better load them all while the getting was good. 

So we stopped for a victory beer at Devil's Tower. 

And had us a good ole burger while we were at it. 

The girls seemed happy to be back in town.

So the next day we decided to bring ole 48 home to the cooler. 

Josh was a natural at skinning. 

From pasture to corral to cooler... dinner plate.

Hope you enjoyed your time brother. I know I did. Sometimes you got to get away from those city lights and get back to reality. No better way to do so than getting blood on your hands and dirt on your boots. Denver could use a little more of the Catholic Cowboy Way. Keep wearing your hat brother. It looks good on you. Peace partner.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Mystery Tools

Old timers were pretty innovative for their day. In our time we look back at their work and wonder what the heck that was used for. Take a peek at these contraptions and see if you can identify their purpose. All of them are hanging on the wall of the Gulch Bar and Grill at Devil's Tower.


(The right end has about a 1/4" bore running through it)


Leave your answer/guess by posting a comment. Their true identity will be revealed within 48 hours.
(The ability to comment should now be enabled) 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Saturday, October 8, 2022


Saturday is the perfect day for softies: soft boiled eggs. Its a family tradition around our place, and the precision that goes into getting it just right is important. If I have the time and wanting to step up my game from a bowl of oatmeal, softies are my breakfast food of choice.

It all starts with the right eggs: farm fresh. Now this is crucial, so listen up. You fill the pot with water and put the eggs in it at the same time you turn the heat on. There has been controversy over this throughout the years. But I'm here to tell you, don't wait until the water is boiling to put your eggs in. You risk the chance of them cracking because of the temperature change and the outcome becomes inconsistent. Put the eggs in at the same time of the water! 
That being said, bring the water to a rolling a boil and the second it starts to boil set your timer for 4 minutes, no more no less. Hard whites and runny yokes is what we are looking for. Once the timer rings, kill the heat and head to the sink. I grew up with Dad barking in my ear, "run cold water over them so they stop cooking." Words of wisdom. Cool them down and they're ready for the table.

The crack is crucial. No limp wrist here. Wack it! It takes technique but after 40 years of softy Saturdays, you'll learn the trick.

Then take your spoon and gently scoop out the egg from the shell.

Like so.

This is also important to the experience, dispense used egg shells in the pot you boiled in. This is the one time Mom will allow a pot or pan to be on the dinner table. Take advantage of it!


That's how it's done more or less. When I'm cooking for one I'll usually make three eggs and spit them between two pieces of toast. Salt and pepper is also a necessary ingredient. Juice and coffee as well. This might not get you till lunch, depending on what time you get up on a Saturday, but it will definitely get your day off to a good start. 

Friday, October 7, 2022

Cow Hunt

Hunting season is in the air, and at Lungren Brothers Cattle Company, cow harvesting is in full swing. Whenever possible, I like to take members of the co-op along to get a taste of what feeding America entails. The Schamber boys were all in. 

44 was next on the list. She was a sale barn cow from Worland. Boy she finished out nice. Pushing 1400 lbs with fat pockets protruding on both sides of her tail bone, she was ready for the cooler. 

Kru and I put the sneak on her. The hunt itself got a little western. But that's not uncommon on Caballo Creek. 

Once we got her down and dressed, the boys went to work: Tony, Kru, and Jaxson 

Lungren Brothers is about educating the world as much as it's about feeding the world. Kru's catching on quick. With a hat like that, he might be ready to hire on next summer. 

This ain't Jaxson's first rodeo. He's got skinning down pat. 

Mission accomplished.

Ranching is a family affair. More than a co-op, Lungren Brothers is a brotherhood. It's our cows and it's our responsibility to feed America. Cow hunting is risky business. But there is strength in numbers. Thanks for the help boys.

Holy Rosary

Mother Mary can move mountains through the Rosary.

Don't Poke the Bear

 Jesus is a force to be reckoned with. We want to be on His side.